Please note that I DID NOT change a thing before taking this lovely shot. NoSireeBob, it's au naturale....

I want to point out that the yummy green veggies have overtaken the greasy hot dogs, li'l smokies, and Cool-Whip; however, the Bacardi mixers are holding their line. Fortunately, those little soldiers hold no charm for me in the winter:)
OK. I showed you mine, now you show me yours:) Take the picture as-is.....NO CHEATING!!!
I am impressed as all get out! I'll get on it as soon as I get home from the cocktail party that Annie and I are going to in an hour. No lie;)
By the way, my pork shoulder is cooking away as we speak. Pulled sammies for dinner!
You are a better woman than me!!
What about the other freezer? Does that one count?
Just for the record, that freezer is nearly empty....except for some shrimp, and a couple of Lean Cuisines!!!!
I am so proud of you! It looks great and more full than mine!!!
Lots of veggies...which counter act the mixers!
Love ya,
After looking into my freezer.....
Hello, my name is The Incredible Woody and I am a carboholic.
Okay dear friend...I'm getting my camera!
No way, man! If I open the door to take a picture, I might die in an avalanche.
NOT falling for that one!
Great. Thanks a lot.
NOW all I want is a lil' smokie!!!!
Ooops.. looked in mine...almost out of venison! GOt to go to the other freezer!
Does it count if I move the diet foods to the top???
I have 2 freezers so I'll take some shots and see how they turn out! I have never taken pictures of ice in a freezer before!
I can just hear it husband saying...what the hell are you taking a picture of the freezer for????? hehehe...I like to drive him crazy!
As soon as I saw this title, I (loudly, I might add)said, "Oh no!".
This past weekend, my lovely, talented, handsome, passionate and FORGETFUL son put a can of Coke in the fridge. He forgot about it and well..... you can imagine the mess I have in there.
So, uh... NO WAY!!
I'll take those lil smokies,btw. lol I have a party to go to soon. :)
I am so laughing at the mixers. They stand there like little soldiers. I am NOT showing my freezer. No way- haha.
No shame there! Look at all those veggies.
Ha! Mine has vodka and ice cream : )
Your freezer is very impressive with all of those vegetables. There's fruit in those mixers, too. Or least artificially flavored fruit-tasting high fructose corn syrup? Well, corn is a vegetable, anyway.
I'd have to call a hazmat team to come handle my freezer...Hurricane Isabel was not kind, and, well, we'll just leave it at that.
HEY...YOU are GREAT! I've got the HONEST SCRAP AWARD for you! GO GeT IT!
You've been awarded the Honest Scrap Award..... Apparently someone already beat me to it, but you are definitely deserving!
By the way ! I am NOT showing you my freezer ;)
I am impressed. Our freezer door looks healthy, does that count?
Bacardi mixers, gotta love them. Now I want one!!
You brave brave woman! I'm gonna have to think about this before I go around showing off my unmentionables...yes, some of the things in my freezer are unmentionable simply because we no longer know what the hell it is!
Auds at Barking Mad
My freezer is full of good food and even if it wasn't with the prices of everything I'd be keeping it! The economic situation in our country isn't funny we may not all be struggling with our fat in days to come.
I don't know how to do the link thingy. But awhile back I did a post tittle "WTF?!!" cause I found our cordless phone in the freezer.................damn kids!!
We have two freezers, so I will have to roll the dice!
Having said that, I just filled my Grandpa's freezers (almost three of them!). he had frozen items probably older then I am! He still had frozen raspberries from 1984 in there!!! It is all cleaned out and restocked with better food now! I also got him some beer and whiskey (he is very happy now!)
I am impressed. Your freezer looks so neat and well organizied. It also looks pretty healthy. I am at our house in Fla. Can I talk myself into getting off the sofa and take of picture of the inside of my freezer? Maybe tomorrow.
I dumped out my purse and took pictures, I showed my messing makeup drawer...but I'll be darned if I'm letting ANYONE see my freezer LOL You have enough veggies to make you look normal...I on the otherhand....well...I'm just not going there lol
Thanks for reminding me I have to do this. I do everything about 2 weeks late...
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