It's no fun when your birthday falls on Monday, so go over and leave him TONS of bloggy birthday wishes!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Honey!!! I love you:)
For those of you who tuned in to catch Week 2 of the Blogger Butt Smackdown, it will be broadcast tomorrow in its' entirety. The network apologizes for any inconvenience.
I just love Birthdays!
I am going on over there right now!
I hope you guys have a wonderful evening together!
Woot! Happy Birthday CB! Nice beard;)
He's looking HAWT in the pic!! You lucky dog!!
Happy Birthday!! I think posts about handsome aging men are better than posts about reducing the blogger butt. Glad that I visited today :) NEED to visit tomorrow :(
Birthdays are such fun. Going over now.
Going to wish CB a big birthday full of fun....
you are so funny. If this show keeps getting interupted, I may change the channel.
not. :)
Saturday I went wedding gown shopping in Brinkley, Arkansas and was successful, meaning I had NO CHOICE but to have brown sugar pecan bread pudding with vanilla sauce for dessert.
Off the wagon for weekend, now cheerfully back on.
January is a popular month for birthdays! I went over earlier and left my good wishes. Don't forget those birthday spankings ;) I'm just saying.
Like others before me, I've already been over at Cool Breezes blog and left him all kinds of good wishes, hugs, kisses ....
Please don't take note that I visit his blog before yours. Nothing personal there, no, not really. :)
I'll be back to report my weekly tally on the Big Butt Smackdown thing.
I am craving salt! Like lickin a big ol'margarita glass- been craving it for 2 days- gotta get this body some salt! At least it is not sugar!
Yay! Happy Birthday CB, will cruise on over there now. Happy Monday!
Thanks for the wonderful wishes honey, but who is that man in the picture?
HAPPY B-DAY COOL BREEZE! I"m sorry I could not wish you sooner. I hope you had a wonderful day and were pampered and waited on.
Can't wait to meet you and have you help cook at our summer gathering, aka blogapalooza!
Hope your day was fantastic.
p.s. BHE - I am having big time problems with my computer and if i do not comment on here it's because the thing has died and I am conducting its funeral, aka DUMPING IT OVERBOARD. I'm over on G.Island now borrowing someone else's computer...anyway, HAPPY B-DAY C.B.!!
Ok, I came back to take another peek at your hot husband and while I'm at it, report my weight loss for the week 1/5 - 1/12. Here's what happened. As of yesterday, it was 6.2 lbs. BUT this morning it was only 4.4 lbs. Don't ask because I can't explain it, but 4.4 is the official first week loss. I'm not even going to try and figure it out. I went to Temple with my neighbor to buy yardage and we had lunch at Wendy's. I had a BLT salad with no dressing...and a hamburger patty because the chicken had a coating on it. I feel good, but still have a zillion lbs. to lose. Ok, good night.
Yelling at the top of my lungs....HAPPY BIRTHDAY COOL BREEZE!! :)
Wait, is there going to be a spanking? Never-mind that, I know there will be!
Don't hurt him!!!! Enjoy!!!
Honey is a cutie!
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to you! So many of my FAVORITE people have January Birthdays : ).
Happy Birthday Cool Breeze...dang she never told us you were such a hottie!!!
OMG how is it possible that I missed that he has his own blog? I live under a rock, I swear!
Happy Birthday, Cool Breeze (a little late).
Is he wearing his sunglasses at night? Corey Hart fan is he? hahaha
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