Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day!

The wintry mix began to fall early this morning....

It's all over now, but it sure was fun while it lasted!


Cool Breeze said...

... can't wait to get home to see it.

Unknown said...

I love the photos. We don't get snow....just ice. I don't know how to drive on ice...and it's invisible.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Little T was a happy fellow this morning =). It didnt start till I got to work so I may have missed it all =( Did you get to take a snow day too?

Unknown said...

I am just not talking to you anymore...LOL

It is beautiful and I can live vicariously through you!!!

Thank you so much for sharing the photos...I just knew they were for me.

Love ya,


mom x 2 said...

Ahhhh, Did you really take a snow day? You lucky duck! I wish I had gotten a snow day :( I, however, went to work! Now it is all gone!

Only 4 more days till party at my house....

mom x 2 said...

ps, did you ever get your Honest Scrap award?

Mental P Mama said...

It's coming this way....did Snow White have the day off, too? I think mine are counting on sleeping in tomorrow;)

Big Hair Envy said...

Unfortunately, Snow White was in the shower before they made any school announcements this morning:/ It didn't take her long to crawl back into bed when she heard the good news!!!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Lucky Dog. We got nothing except cold rain, with a smidgen of ice. Our ACDS basketball game was cancelled due to the weather. I might be up there on Thursday for my daughter's JV game, although she's sick so who knows.

Didn't get far on the announcement today. There's always tomorrow...

Enjoy the wintry mix! They're calling for 60-70 degrees tomorrow, complete with thunderstorms.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...


That's your pool?

Do you sell memberships?

Keeper Of All Things said...

Love the first snow fall I'll even sled down hill ..if there is something warm to drink at the top. After that ......done.
Don't want to see it again till next year.
Good thing I live in FL huh?

Caution/Lisa said...

We've cleared a couple of feet of snow so far this winter with another storm due tonight. I still love those first hours of snowfall. Perfection.

Barking Mad! said...

I will be excited for *you*....BUT, sitting here, as someone who is about to get pounded by 10-16 inches of the white stuff, can I just say, I'm bloody sick of it!

The first couple of snows are always really pretty. The rest of the year..not so much!

Auds at Barking Mad

Predo said...

Same here! Only about an inch, but it is always so pretty! Especially when it goes away!

Unknown said...

You all sound so excited!
And here we sit...surrounded by SNOW and wishing we lived further south.... somewhere someone is HAPPY!....SIGH!

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

That's so funny! We got some here today too. It was DUMPING for a while and SSG freaked out a little. But then it was all washed away within a couple of hours by the rain. So pretty!

Anonymous said...

Sooo pretty! We get ice here too. Ho Hum...

littletoesandcheerios said...

We got some too! The only thing that really sucks is our satelite is out. :(
Very pretty pictures...Brrrr.

Suz Broughton said...

Yikes! That looks freezing. Time to come visit Suz in California!

Busy Bee Suz said...

That looks like cold snow to me. I like snow. Just not cold snow.
Pretty pictures though!!

foolery said...

I just don't know how to handle snow, so it's better that I stay here where it hasn't hit the valley floor since January 2002 (and only for 20 minutes).

HalfAsstic.com said...

It's very beautiful, but can be treacherous! My parents had a severe ice storm last night.
Be careful!

Baby Favorite said...

Beautiful! I'm jealous.

Thrifty Cents said...

Isn't it sad to think, though, that this is what our kids associate "snow" with?! What is it, .25" ? I remember the days of a good 12" snow, how I wish my kids could experience that. They were so excited to go out and play in the flurries Monday!

Anonymous said...

So pretty...so glad Snow White had a snow day!

Anonymous said...

What is your name?I never see it anywhere?

Anonymous said...

Remember last week i was braggin.It was 70 degrees here?And it will be again this Sat.But yeaterday and today it's 28 degrees.Ice everywhere.Yesterday dh couldn't even go to work.It looks worse today,but he made it in.
I want to give you an award,but I am embarrassed because all I know is BIG Hair?????????????Ann

Chere said...

A dusting of snow is always a wonderful site. It makes everything look so clean and fresh. I love that moment in winter when the world is all new.

Unknown said...

Its beautiful isn't it!

Unknown said...

We had a snow day yesterday too. It was blissful. We stayed in our pajamas all blessed day. It was PERFECT. Not so perfect for the diet though.... Think hot chocolate and popcorn...