My primary resolution this year is to lose 20 pounds. In an effort to keep myself motivated AND accountable, I have decided to host the first South Beach Blogger Butt Smackdown!! If you'd like to participate, bring it on! If not, I hope you will stop by and leave an occasional encouraging word. We'll need it:)
My friend Geri over at New Wrinkles...for old souls has posted the pros and cons for some of the most popular diets available today. She has given an overview of each, and has included helpful links. I have chosen South Beach because it has worked for me in the past. You, however, should choose the diet that best suits YOUR lifestyle.
I have set up an account on the South Beach site. It's easy to create an account, and it's free for the first seven days. After the first week, it costs $5.00 per week to continue. You can cancel at any time if you are not satisfied. The benefits of signing up are too numerous to list. Some highlights include: a daily newsletter, optional weekly menu plans which include a shopping list (YEAH!), progress tracking, and "Beach Buddies"! My user name is Big Hair Envy, so be sure to look me up if you sign on for their program. I plan to work on my user profile today:)
Our first "meeting" will be Monday, January 5. Stop by and let me know which diet you have chosen, what your goals are, and what you hope to get out of our weekly "meetings". You can also share menu and exercise tips if you'd like. There really are NO RULES. I hope to just serve as the moderator.....it is YOUR forum:) For now, we'll just plan to "meet" each Monday, unless anyone has a better idea. I am open to suggestions.
I'm going to attempt to create a sidebar area dedicated to the SBBBSD. What do you think we should include there? Obviously, we will want to track our progress as a group, but it might be nice to also have a "tip of the day", or maybe a helpful website. Your thoughts?
Today I will be working on my meal plans for next week, and eating myself into a bad-food-coma! There may even be wine involved...
I'm ready! I will post on it Mon as well and a link to your blog if anyone is brave enough to join us! I will be focusing on low carb myself...that's what works for me as well.
I think we should all post(those who want to) a weighing in photo and say the lbs they weigh and their goal weight. I'll do it on Monday. Thanks so much for doing this! You are helping me a lot!
I'm hungry already.....
So, we get to eat WHATEVER we want until Monday? I am in...
Just joking, but definitely in on the losing weight and posting about it part...don't know which plan I will be using yet.
A good support group such as this is always is a postive thing.
Love you so,
I'm scared and I'm ready for a beer! It's five o'clock somewhere right??
I'll take some photos tonight toasting the new me!
Can we do it??
I'm going to do the Mediterranean Diet. And I have 40. Stupid thyroid doctor.
I am so proud of you guys!! You rock in my opinion.
I can't wait to hear from all you LOSERS!!!
~Hugs from TN~
I am so proud of you guys!! You rock in my opinion.
I can't wait to hear from all you LOSERS!!!
~Hugs from TN~
I'm in. I have to read about the South Beach Diet to see if that's the one for me. I'm such a picky eater. I can do Atkins, so until I check out the SBBBCDETSXYZ diet, I'll tentively be on the Atkins. Either way, I will be here on Monday, and give you the lowdown, or however you decide...then you can sift through and post on your sidebar...unless there is a link
So, you be the pied piper, snap that whip and I will follow!
SoooooREADY for this!!! Glad I popped in on you today!! THANK YOU for the BEST IDEA of the NEW YEAR! Now if I can just keep up! Not sure if I can miss the daily glass of wine though!
Good for you - I have no doubt you'll be successful. Glad you're not starting until Monday, because I'm hoping for some fat- and sodium-laden Mexican food and some margaritas tomorrow. Ole!
Good luck on your diet! I have heard great things about South Beach. I get SO discouraged when I think about diets. I feel like a failure. Every. single. day....
We won't be home until Sat. night...I will check this out then. I need to do SOMETHING!!!!
I am proud you are so motivated and are getting more bloggers involved!!!!
Take care,
I'm all ready. I am a Slimfast girl though. Just stocked up on it at Sam's. I've taken a little holiday break from it. I lost 30 lbs on it before my wedding in 07 and have kept almost all of it off using it to maintain.
It will be great to help each other here. I need someone to motivate me to exercise!
I am thinkin about doing south beach with ya- I need to seriously let go of my sugar addiction-
My problem is that I am on the road all day- But I think I could do grilled chic for lunch-
Email me and tell me the pros and cons you have found cause I really want to join you-
Eating myself into a coma sounds wonderful...considering the fact that I just made Irish iced oatmeal cookies and Muddy Matterhorns for the kids. Am about to make some fudge too...again for the kids because I can't stand the stuff. It's like having cement in my mouth. Yuck.
I think I'm going to join your bloggy beach butt kickin thing. As long as I don't have to tell anyone how much I weigh. It's far better than gastric bypass at this point!
Auds at Barking Mad!
I just dug my copy of South Beach diet that I bought umpteen years ago out of the closet-
I joined the online deal so I am in!
When you get the sidebar up, I would like to know what good things everyone is eating on SB- I am going to need some snack ideas!
I think it is great that you are doing this and getting every one involved. You are totally going to do it.
SSG is picking up her pom poms and doing high kicks cheering you on!
That last sentence brings me right to my question... Wine? It IS a major factor in this whole diet thing... isn't it? Cause I'm thinking it would have to be for me to participate.
Comin' over from Grandma J's... good luck w/the diet! I lost 30 pounds from June 27-Sept 4...I just stopped eating between meals and started training to run a 1/2 marathon....it was easy, I feel great and fit in all my old clothes again. Now I eat what I want and just keep running and riding my bike to work! Oh ya....cuz I have a BIG b-day comin up in April!
I want to lose another 10. Of course, I havent stepped on a scale since before Thanksgiving, so it might be 20 that I need to lose. (damned Christmas cookies!)
Don't count me in here though...the last time I did a weight loss club, the stress of losing made me bury my pain with food.
I am going to do the south beach diet with you!!!
Thanks for the credit. I've been sick since the first of year (and am still sick), but the blogging world waits for no one, so I thought I come around and see what's happening. Hope everyone who joins up on the South Beach diet has great success. Oh, and if you're metabolism gets stuck, the secret is to eat small meals every couple of hours. If you wait to long between meals, your body thinks it's starving and it starts holding the weight. Another thing if you exercise, you can lose more weight if every 6 minutes you go as fast as you can for 1 minute. It definitely works. I tried it.
Oh, I'll try it. Geezzz...such peer pressure!
WW or Atkins? Hmmm
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