Cool Breeze and I have been discussing what we would like to do for vacation this year. There are SO many places that we enjoy visiting, but there is never enough time to see and do it all.
Our first trip will be to take Snow White "school shopping" over her Spring Break. She provided me with a list of potential colleges, and most of them are in, get this, NEW YORK CITY! I am terrified to send my child off to the big city, but she will never be a famous opera singer if she doesn't have an opportunity to submerge herself in the proper environment. After all, I'm hoping that she will be takin' care of Mama one day:) (All I've asked for is a driver. I have everything else I need.)
Other options include The Outer Banks, Nassau, Hershey, Atlantic City, Mathews...who knows where we will end up! Wherever it is, I know it will be relaxing, AND, there will be wine!
Where will you be vacationing this year?
I love your family pictures...there's a gorgeous cottage on Gwynn's Island that rents by the week. It happens to be close to where the blogapalooza cookout will be, and you will see those exact sunsets I take pictures of. I can get you the number if you want...
I"m thinking about vacationing too, but due to limited funds will likely end up....camping. But over on the Eastern Shore.
Come to Mathews! (I am an unpaid spokesperson for the county.)
I work all week....HWM works all weekend...
No vacations here, but living on the beach, I think that is okay...
I might day trip especially to blogapalooza!!!
We haven't had that discussion yet..but I"m thinking of visiting THE KEEPER...know more in a couple of weeks, they will be up here for CHeer Competition.Other than that I did tell The Rock that we should just pull that 5th wheel down to the woods and camp there...$$$$ saved.
That picture is adorable! We go to Nags Head every year with my parents and Disney every 3 years for Thanksgiving (stay at the All Star resorts b/c it's way cheaper & get the meal packages which saves about 50% of the food $ we would normally spend). We spend just about every weekend for 3 seasons at our family place in Dunnsville (free!) We also like to go tent camping at Big Meadows on Skyline Drive, Luray and Westmoreland (cheap!).
Not sure about the vacation yet? But for sure will do something. Even if we dont go far~ we have the river house and the boat~feel free to join us! Both have bottom less coolers!
BTW~how come your models hair style doesnt change like mine does? Will I need a haircut after I loose 20 lbs?
Don't forget to put the bd club calendar on your blog!
Can't wait to go ... where ever it may be ... I'm sure Jim will make the trip too.
Great picture..Our vacations always centered around my brother and Soap Box Derby.
I have been busy this week trying to make reservations for March to go see The Keeper. Now I just need to work on the body. I have realized..WOW I have gained some weight and I cannot take it off as fast as I used to. That's depressing enough to make me want chocolate.
Great photo of you girls!
Wow, your at that stage where someday soon she's off to college...I'm cringing thinking about that day for me & my girl.
If we can afford it this year we may take a small vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC. But, I doubt it.
Did you see my post? :(
I'll do better today boss!
Wait. You're coming to NYC??? Woot! I am 45 minutes away. Is she looking at UVA? Ha.
Love the picture.
You and your sisters are gorgeous.
Vacation? Well, I'm headed to CA the end of January for two weeks, then to Colorado the end of March for another two weeks...I'll probably drive that one
Then I heard about a Blogapalooza in Virgina in July....can't miss that one. Might drive that too.
I also have my yearly Vegas trip with my SIL's mother sometime in the summer.
Ah to be young and beautiful again!!!
Our vacation will depend on where we are at and the timing of the jobs. The desert southwest keeps calling my name. And I will definitely be in Austin in October for LiveStrong!
Fred's friend re-opened a hamburger joint and we went to support the local biz. ;)
Great picture!
Not sure about our location. I just know we really REALLY need one! :o}
Have a great day.
Off subject.
On the diet thing,you are right, maybe just do the list gadget thing in the sidebar with links, and do a weekly update post with whatever info people give you. I'll report in weekly because my weight seems to be fluctuating a bit, and daily reporting is too much.
Charleston, South Carolina in late May for my honeymoon. :-)
I LOVE that picture. You 3 are little "foxes". remember that term????
Not sure where we will end up this summer, but I am sure that I will be sitting on a bleacher somewhere with a cold drink and a battery operated fan....softball tourneys are ALWAYS hot!!!
You guys are beautiful! Awesome picture. I have no idea where we will vacation. I don't think our budget will allow us to get too far but we are lucky we live in such a great state with mountains and ocean and lots in between.
Yes, sending the college bound student off to the big city can be scary.
We usually vacation where are families are - either in Washington (state) or in Utah.
School shopping....what fun. NOT!
I dont know if I could handle Megawatt going to a college outside the state. Her friend Abby was over last night and is trying to talk her into transferring to college in Delaware. I had a heartastroke at the thought. I've already gotten the kid out of three scrapes so far this year whilst she's only been two hours away and I don't know if I could handle her 8 hours away!!!!!!!!!! I don't know how parents do it when their kids go off to colleges on the other side of the US.
The Little Imp has two choices...Harvard or Dartmouth. One of which is one of my alma mater and the other is within driving distance...well both are within driving distance. *lol*
I loved your family vacation shot of you and your sisters. I don't have a single photo like that. Of course, my little sisters are 9 and 11 years younger than me. *sigh*
I dont know what we're doing as far as vacation plans go. The hubby really wants to go back to England and then over to the continent and show some of Megawatt our favourite places over there. I'd like to not have to get on a plane. We'll see who wins this one.
Auds at Barking Mad
And also -
Sorry - I meant to respond about the boudin! The Fiance travels to Lousiana (aaalll the way from Mississippi - ha!) sometimes for work and brings some back. I LOVE it. I try to convince myself that since it has rice in it, it's healthy....
WOW three gorgeous girls! I bet you were getting some attention on the beach! I love that picture!
I am working so hard on the diet : ). Working on NOT EATING all day every day : ). It's hard, but it has to be done.
I vote for Hershey. I love Hershey, Pa. It's pretty and it smells sweet!
Oh, you KNOW I love this picture, right? So '80! I expect to see Nicolas Cage (from Valley Girl) behind you on the beach.
Love the sunglasses!
Love the pic!!! You rock! We actually prefer P.V. Mexico for vacation. If you have not been, you should try it! Love the pic!!!
Look at you sexy bitches! Ummm ... I'm going to Los Angeles in February and San Francisco in April ... but hope to get OUT of the west coast sometime this year! If I can swing it, I seriously might make a trip back to D.C. It has been on my mind a lot lately ... I wonder WHY. Important election or something?
love the pics...you are beautiful girls. bet you can't believe that you are going college shopping with your daughter. wow, i can't imagine little bob being old enough to go to college.
going to hawaii next month to visit friends. i was so sad when they moved there last summer. isn't so bad now! for you??? my cousin went to Nevis last year and said it was the best vacation she's every been on. the pictures were amazing. i'd take NYC anyday!! love that city!
Julliard here she comes! come to Myrtle with us!!! It will be sooo much fun! And yes there will be wine! Maybe a Hillbilly Surprise or two ;)
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