It's still amazing to me that I have not felt hungry or deprived while on this diet! However, I DO need to get a bit more motivated in the exercise department:(
Hopefully, the beginning of week four of the Blogger Butt Smackdown finds each of you a little closer to your weight-loss goals. I'd like to recognize THE BIGGEST LOSER Marlene - she has lost SIXTEEN POUNDS!!!!! Way to go Marlene! Keep up the good work!
As I mentioned last week, we have been invited to attend a Superbowl party on Sunday. (BTW - It's being hosted by Mom x 2! YAY!!) It's imperative that I come up with diet-friendly snacks, because one year I gained six pounds over Superbowl weekend. True story. A veggie tray is always a good choice, but sometimes you just want something a bit more substantial. Click here for some healthy recipe ideas!
Cool Breeze and I were busy cleaning out the garage all day Friday, and most of the day Saturday. (I'm confident THAT counts as exercise!) We're still not quite finished, and the zero hour is quickly approaching:/ Once we get that task completed, I will be able to return to my gym routine.......until then, I have no way to weigh myself. Never fear, I will post my weight as soon as possible. (It's probably best that I don't have a scale at home - I just KNOW I'd weigh myself five times per day.) There is a Zumba class scheduled for Wednesday night, and I don't want to miss it!
A big THANK YOU to my blogger buddies who are always kind and supportive! It sure makes this diet thing a lot easier:) Keep fighting the fat:)
Wow - way to go, I'm very impressed. And way to go, Marlene! 16 pounds is amazing.
I am equally as impressed by your garage cleaning activity. I'm scared of what is living in my garage, but I need to face my demons before the Blogfest this summer.
Speaking of B.F. (that doesn't sound so good, does it?) we need to figure out our announcement. I'm home with sick boy today but will try and tweak that first draft up some at work tomorrow. (During a break, of course.)
I'm so proud of you.And your lunch looks great.In fact,nw I've got to go eat lunch...Ann
Yay! I am not weighing myself for a few more days, but I know there is some shrinkage;)
Well, I am extremely proud of your will power... I will do my best not to be a bad influence when you come to watch the STEELERS beat the cardinals- hahah! But there will be wine and possibly "Hillbilly Surprise" as well. If you don't cheat a little I will feel extremely (not)guilty about all of the goodies that I will be eating ;) Because, unlike you, I have no willpower :(
Congratulations Marlene!! 16 pounds is amazing.
You are a role moldel for this "roll model" LOL! I just love ya to pieces!!! Keep it up girl! Maybe I should picture myself in that bikini in front of all my old class-mates and boyfriends! That ought to do it. In 2011 it will be my 20th HS reunion....oops I just told my age!
Good job girlie! Not sure what is going on with me~I do not feel any lighter but will hang in there~I think this is usually where I give up!
That salad looks delish. Mmmm. I am so proud of you guys for all your hard work and dedication.
Congratulations on being so strong, and the whole garage project! Wow! Kudos to Marlene too.
I'm not going to lie...I had a terrible week. I cheated big time and it wasn't my fault. That's all I can say about that.
The good news is, I didn't gain...and the bad news is, I'm leaving for CA on Thursday...the land of the double-double, See's candy and Super Bowl parties and good Mexican food.
I will try my best to refrain.
Can I have a hug?
Awwww, thanks and your big shout out just motivates me more. We are all doing a great job and even if we don't see the numbers we want to see, we are making attempts and getting healthier.
That salad looks soooooo good. I heated my lunch at noon and didn't get to eat it until after 2pm.
I am glad that you came up with this BBS idea...this is the longest I have ever gone in about 10 years without giving up...and I don't plan on it.
I love your support and your friendship. You are one amazing lady.
Congrats on the diet, and on the garage! How funny is it that even the stuff you have in storage is all organized! You make me look horrible!!! LOL.......
Keep it up!!!!!
I am proud of you!! Cleaning the garage and attic definitely counts as exercise!
Yay you and yay Marlene!
(And BOO at cleaning the garage, even though it's for a good cause!)
I am still so proud of you! This is great and I am doing better at what I eat as well. YOU'RE MOTIVATIONAL!
I ate a salad for lunch, too!
You are burning it up, and I am so glad you are still so forward looking about it all.
Keep it up!
I am still so proud of you! This is great and I am doing better at what I eat as well. YOU'RE MOTIVATIONAL!
I ate a salad for lunch, too!
You are burning it up, and I am so glad you are still so forward looking about it all.
Keep it up!
I am still so proud of you! This is great and I am doing better at what I eat as well. YOU'RE MOTIVATIONAL!
I ate a salad for lunch, too!
You are burning it up, and I am so glad you are still so forward looking about it all.
Keep it up!
The salad looks delicious. I would say the garage cleaning counts. Heck, I count sweeping!!
Cannot link to recipie ideas:(
Good job Marlene!!!
The salad looks fab...as I am sure you do too.
Moving and housework is definatly burning calories and using muscles too...so don't fret over it.
I forgot this sunday was superbowl. I am in my own world here. :)
Way to go!!!! You guys are doing awesome and I'm really proud of you. And by the way, that salad looks SOOOO good. I'm soooo craving a Caesar salad right now!
Auds at Barking Mad!
I am so proud of you with your work outs. I am one week into weight watchers. I lost 2.2 pounds last week. This diet buisness is the pits. But I really need it. I have about 40 pounds to go. Well 38 pounds now.
You are awesome, and, apparently, so is Marlene!
I, on the other hand, really stink. Not on a diet. Baaaaaaaad.
I would prefer going on a diet to cleaning out the garage, however, unless, of course, I could drink beer while I cleaned out the garage. It would be a dilemma.
Keep up the good work!
-- Laurie
You two are doing a great job! I, on the other hand, am not. I guess I have lost a pound or two but not where I want to be. I definitely need to get the exercise going. Keep up the great work!
You are doing so great. I am happy for you.
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