A while back, my BFF, Mama invited me to join her new Blogger Book Club. I love to read, so this was a no-brainer for me. Unfortunately, I am worthless at writing a book review. Please bear with me while I fumble through an exercise that has haunted me since second grade. What did the author mean when.....AAHHHGGG! Why can't you just let me enjoy the book???
I was unfamiliar with the series prior to Mama telling me about it. Perhaps that's because my daughter has never been a voracious reader like her mother. It seems that these books were originally written for a much younger target audience. But, hey, isn't 42 the new 16?
After purchasing the book, I started seeing trailers for the movie. I am not a big fan of books being made into movies (As in: Stephen King should have NEVER allowed his books to be put on the big screen. Except Misery & Christine. But I digress. What's new?) That being said, I ignored the hype and vowed to formulate my own opinion of this novel.
The first thing I realized was that the book was about vampires. WOOT! Can you say "Kiefer Sutherland was totally HAWT in The Lost Boys"? I just LOVED his Billy Idol mullet and pointy teeth! (Sorry. That was a brazen attempt to incorporate Kiefer into my blog.) BUT, once I started reading, it dawned on me that a whole new breed of vampire had come to town.....specifically, Forks, Washington.
These vampires came out during the day. They lived among "normal" people. Sure, they had pasty white skin and gold eyes, but doesn't everyone who lives in a state that only has about six sunny days per year? The ice-cold skin and "sweet breath" were an interesting addition to the mix. I had always assumed that all vampires reeked of cave funk and blood. Who knew?
Here's the gist of the story: Bella, a tormented teen, falls in love with Edward, a vampire with a bad boy attitude. I would like to say that this is a classic literary struggle between good and evil, but Edward isn't REALLY evil. Surprise! They open their hearts to one another, which puts each of them at great risk....from others who ARE evil. Two worlds collide, and the ending is exciting!
I really enjoyed Meyer's contemporary take on vampires. The Cullen characters were well developed, and left me wanting to know much more about them. (Especially Alice) I will definitely be reading the other three books in this series. I may even see the movie!
My copy of this book is now in the custody of my sister. I hope she enjoys it as much as I did:)
I wish mama had invited me to do this, as I am just finishing up this book.
So far, I like it overall. A bit of a chick book, but not so much that I cant dig it.
Well done BHE! I guess you had all that time to write this while giving Cool Breeze the Silent Treatment;) I am going over to visit Vinyl Village to invite him(?) to join us. By the way, what is your recommendation for our next read?
What is going on with my comments??? Blogger hates me - again:D
I wasn't going to comment today, because, as you know, I can't, I mean, I don't read.
I think I'm the last woman on the planet who hasn't read these yet. You did a really nice job on the review! Ya have me thinking about finally picking one up.
New to your blog. I can't get my paragraphs to separate, either. I just put stupid little hyphens in-between everything. A nice blogger sent me instructions on how to fix this using HTML, but I haven't even had time to mess with it yet. If you'd like, though, I can forward you those instructions.
I liked Twilight, too. I have the next book in the series, but haven't started it yet.
New to your blog. I can't get my paragraphs to separate, either. I just put stupid little hyphens in-between everything. A nice blogger sent me instructions on how to fix this using HTML, but I haven't even had time to mess with it yet. If you'd like, though, I can forward you those instructions.
I liked Twilight, too. I have the next book in the series, but haven't started it yet.
Um, YES I can attest to the pasty skin when you live in the Northwest!! You have to see the movie because Edward is the new Mr. Sutherland (oh yes I did). Ohmaigahhesooohaaawt.
I really liked Twilight, and the two middle books. The last one, Breaking Dawn, was not my favourite. Well worth reading the series, though.
I think you did a great job on the book review! I am too chicken to do one!
I will forgive YOU anything, dear! Glad you enjoyed the book and the rest of the series is just as good, so have fun with that!
And your review was pretty much just plain dead-on.;-)
Defnitely still on for tomorrow ;o)
I am way behind on your blog! You have been pretty busy, young lady!
I have a friend that has seen this movie 11 (yes, 11)times and begs me to go for her 12th viewing. Is it THAT good?? She is now wanting dark hair and bleached skin? lol
And to add to your Blogger hate list- It's not letting me know when you have new posts. Ahhh. Sorry. I am new to all this Twilight stuff. I am intrigued.
Oh, try shift/return after your paragraphs. That might help. I have trouble with it too sometimes.
I've been commenting on this as well. Love the series and the movie!!!
I am on book 4 (almost done with it) and I saw the movie. SSG tried to molest me, so I have blacked out the movie for sanity reasons!
Good job though!
Nevermind the book, which I'm sure is wonderful.
How do we stage a coup d'etat against Blogger? They have us by the balls don't they?
(Did I just say balls? That was a typo. Dear BHE's Grandma: I meant to say they're mean people with a faulty free product and they have us under their thumb. Please don't think BHE hangs out with hoodlums...stooges, maybe, but not hoodlums.)
CBW - Grandma already has your number:)
I have heard nothing but good reviews on these books. Maybe I can get to them right after I get through the "Goosebumps" series and the Diary of a Whimpie Kid! Oh the joys of motherhood!
I enjoyed it too. I tried NOT to read it but my kids pressured me into it. Peer pressure at home, it is the new thing...
I haven't read the books or seen the movie and I feel like a total loser. I mean practically everyone in America has read them.
I will say, vampire's never really did it for me though. We'll see.
I can't wait to finally get my hands on this book.lol I have heard so many great things about it and a good friend of mine has already read the entire series 3 times. I'm a sucker for vampire stories.
On a different note, my favorite vampire in Lost Boys was Billy Worth. Keifer was hot too though. :o)
I want to know more about the Cullens too. I went to the mall tonight so my son could find a poster for his friend and the "Edward" posters were sold out.
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