I enjoyed reading your guesses last week, but no one figured out EXACTLY where I was. Heehee! Last Friday, my friend T and I attended the 33rd Annual Christmas Bizarre Bazaar. She and I are allowed one day per year together, and this is how we choose to spend it! Don't judge. I've lost track of how many years we have gone to this event, but it's a lot!
We started the day off with a delicious breakfast at the Riverbound Cafe. (I tried to post their link, but it seems to be off line...bummer) Three cups of coffee, and we were ready to take that craft show by storm - but we had to hit the bathroom first!! Our timing was perfect, and we arrived just as the doors opened. Not surprising, we ARE professionals.
This show is not for amateur attendees. You have to secure a plan of action, or you will be trampled in the aisles - or hit in the heels with a baby stroller. T & I have to review our plan prior to arrival each year, and it goes something like this:
-Ensure that tickets are easily accessible (These tickets were ordered three months in advance to save time at the door)
-Fill out door prize slip at breakfast (These slips are sent with the tickets)
-Strategically park (Close enough to be able to take packages out to the car throughout the day. Far enough away to avoid traffic when leaving)
-Find shortest line (This line will inevitably take the longest)
-Once inside, drop door prize slip into the box (We have never won anything, but we remain hopeful. My neighbor has won something two years in a row)
-Take out Christmas lists and give them a quick once-over (Never mind that we perused them at breakfast. The pace in this place is fast, and you don't really have time to think)
-Take note of all of the women crowded around the FrappaVino booth....Drinking merlot slurpees at 10 a.m. (Wonder how long we would have to wait to get a sample)
-Enjoy the fact that we are not rookies. (Many of these vendors are familiar, and we do not have to shop these booths. We enter, grab and pay. Done)
-Laugh. A lot.
-Pass the booths that are of no interest to us. (Shove our way in to the ones that are)
-Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive.....and Dodge. (Where did all of these people come from?)
-Make trip to car to drop off heavy bags, which are beginning to cut off our circulation.
-Enter second building.
-Enter third building.
-Enter fourth building.
-Hit the free samples because we haven't eaten lunch, and it is now nearing dinner time.
-Buy dark chocolate covered dried cherries. Two packages. (Make a mental note to share one with family, and hide the other)
-Upon completion of fourth building, go back through first three buildings and pick up additional items. (Some were being monogrammed, others were just things we HAD to have more of)
-Exit first building. Sigh. Is the day over already?
-Get into car, and evaluate the day. Make notes for next year's plan of action. Sigh. Is the day over already?
-Talk about next year all the way home.
Doesn't that sound like the perfect day?!
I wanted to let you all know that I met Kristen from Mommy Needs a Cocktail. Earlier in the week, I Googled the show to find out what the hours were. Kristen's site came up third on the list (it's now second), so I checked it out. She had been a vendor at the Spring Show, but I wasn't sure if she'd be at the Christmas Show. Sure enough, there she was in the fourth building.......poor thing, she was sitting in a corner eating a bag of white cheddar popcorn. Did I mention that she's six months pregnant?? Evidently, vendors are to be chained to their booths for four days and not given any bread or water. Thank goodness she had the popcorn stashed away.....I'd hate for her to get into trouble with the Biz Baz police. Go over and visit her - she's hilarious!!! While you're there, order a t-shirt or two.....they make great gifts:)
Alright. Who wants to go with us next year? Do you think you can hang???
Me! Me! Pick me!
Oooo - I want to go!!!
I'll even stand in line for the wine slushies!
Would you believe I have never ever been??? Shame on me. In my backyard and never go.
And T must be a whole lotta fun if the two of you are limited to one day per year!
I'll go! Guess it'll be the only way I get a wreath for my door! Glad you chickies had a super day ;-)
I have never been to one, but I do love the cheese popcorn! If there is a booth for that, I am game for almost anything!!!
I want to go too but I'm too far away....maybe I'll pout instead. :)
My comment posted twice so I removed one of them. It wasn't a nasty remark, I swear!
Sounds like a delightful day...I can't wrap my brain around vino frappa...merlot slushie? what????
I would love to have a day like that....ohhhh sooo funnnn.
take care.
Oh, I love the Merry Christmas Y'all sign....so you.
The "Merry Christmas Y'all" picture was actually taken at the Biz Baz. They weren't fond of having their booths photographed, but I snuck that one in!!!!
Oooh, you lost SSG at shopping and crowds. She's kind of a BUZZKILL. But did I hear wine & popcorn?
This sounds very much like how we approach DIsneyland with all your preparation and routine. I think it is great you have one day carved out of the year with your friend. You have to be deliberate about these things.
you must really be feeling the Christmas spirit now.
Ooooo, Ooooo pick me! I can hit people in their heels with Pebbles' stroller and get through the crowd...lol, jk of couse. ;D
As long as I can drink dew instead of coffee I think I could hang!
Sounds like a lot of fun.
And to think I could have placed an order for a homemade wreath.
Sign me up for next year, only instead of coffee it's mimosas.
Oh I definitely could hang and want to go uber-bad! That's the kind of thing I miss doing sooo bad since H came to live with us!
FrappaVino? For real? REALLY? *lol* That almost sounds too good to be true.
Sounds like its truly an event to behold let alone, attend.
Maybe next year I'll get brave and go to one of those things. We Mainers might be aloof (well that's really only the really really old ones), but we throw one helluva bazaar!
Auds at Barking Mad
Count me in!!!! I can hang like nobody else, girlfriend!
Did they have any tampon crafts? If not, maybe, we should start on some for next year?????
OK, you have inspired me. I must make my blog Christmasy or festive, oh heck, who am I kidding, I don't even have a tree up in my house yet. I did, however, put a wreath on the door before I left this morning.
Sounds like my kind of shopping..I'm in.
Sounds like you had a really fun time! :)
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