Monday, December 29, 2008

I'm Dreaming...

...of a warm, sunny beach. (And squeezing into a little bikini one last time.)

The South Beach Blogger Butt Smack Down (SBBBSD) starts January 5th. Any takers? If there is enough interest, I will create a sidebar area where we can record our progress. Pllleeeaaaasssseeee join me. Misery LOVES company:/


I Am Woody said...

You're on, baby!!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

When does this thing start again?

I need to know the rules--especially as it relates to wine--up front before I sign on the dotted line as a participant. (I want to participate but can already tell I might fail, especially when I already know I will. This is a vicious circle....)

Based on the Cool Breeze's Navy Bean Soup story you're already doing it?

I feel so inadequate. Let me have another glass of wine....or a yeast roll.

Karen Deborah said...

Oprah is offering to put the whole world on a diet. I'm obese, Tigger took a video at Christmas which totally freaked me out. My boobs don't sag because my big stomach is pushing them up. No bikinis in my dreams at this point the big dream would be to take off 70 pounds, and still no bikini because at my age skin doesn't snap back. Do it quick skin still works pretty well in the early 40's. HURRY though those years are faster faster.

littletoesandcheerios said...

Count me in! Lets get thin and rock that big hair girl!!!!! LOL. I want to look like a palm tree again! Seriously...I'm READY!!!

Unknown said...

Oh for crying out loud! You were serious. I'd love to join, but I don't know much about the South Beach Bikini diet thing. Does it involve veggies? Does it eliminate stuff like chocolate? I'm going to CA at the end of January, then Denver in March, and I think their's an east coast blogapalooza pillow fight on the agenda in 2009

I'm not saying "no", I'm just asking for clarification because I really need to diet.

Karen Deborah, I gained 80 lbs in the two and a half years since I quit doctors don't care if I die, just as long as I don't smoke. Arses!

So sign me up but don't peek at my scale.

Heidi said...

I am offened that you invited me - do I look like I need to loose weight??? (looks at belly that rest on top of my thighs and boobs that rest on top of belly) ok... i need to loose weight and I DONT want the 'you just had a baby line' - I am fat.... but I need more information like can I cheat and eat donuts in the closet on a bad day? or can I photoshop a picture of my butt to prove/lie that I have lost weight...

To be sincere I would LOVE to join this, can I get more info too please... a 1-800 # to domino's - I MEAN Jenny Craig, ya thats right... Jenny...Craig... :)

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Awww ... South Beach (as in the BEACH) sounds good. But no more diets for SSG. She makes herself CRAZY. I'll support you for sure!

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I already gave up the bikini and I quit smoking, now you want me to stop eating and drinking too?

I am here to tell you I have no will power when it comes to carbs and beer. I can see I am being tested.

If I fail this challenge..I'm going to South Beach anyway!

Count me in!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I am eating eggs, bacon, potatoes and steak as I read this....I need help!!!!

Mental P Mama said...

Oh, I am so there. Going to get my tomato juice....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Predo said...

I have to secretly admit, my waist size is expanding. I still fit into my same size since high school, but its kind of like the seams are screaming......

I can't eat meat, so south beach is no good for me, but I will definitly follow along! I think if I contract diptheria for a month or so, I should drop a few lbs! Sound like a plan? Now where do I find diptheria? Hmmm..

littletoesandcheerios said...

You should host it once a week and we could exchange photos, progress or emotions!!
I'm piggin' out 'til Jan 5th!!
Oh, Does that diet plan exclude mt dew?? Dang!
Seriously...I'm excited about it!

littletoesandcheerios said...

I can drink diet pop when I get serious. I drank Diet Rite for 3 years! No Dew at all. It's all mind control.

Suz Broughton said...

Arrh! The holidays have put me 5 pounds heavier then when they started. But I can't diet, no will power.
Happy New Year to you and your family!

Barb said...

Well, I'd be in - but only if it involved big red wines and Italian food!

Barb said...

Shoot, I forgot to mention that SisterDear2' is aka Empress Big Hair. You two sound like you have a lot in common. hahaha! said...

I'm in! Now pass the chocolates and let's toast to it!

The Good Eater said...

Perfect timing. I'm ready to get rid of some of this blubber. Count me in.

Unknown said...

Am I supposed to go to that link and sign up? If I do this I have to purge my fridge and pantry. I grocery shop tomorrow so let me know. Not that I'm pressuring you.

Oh, and pictures every week...naw!

Anonymous said...

i'll play along... i'm doing weight watchers with my mom though... i like it cause i can still work the chocolate into my points for the day.