The first hurdle was trying to figure out what to do about the one strand of lights that went out IN THE CENTER of the PRE-LIT tree. Cool Breeze knew that I was really wishing for some colorful lights this year, so he added two long strands of colored lights! He's the best:) Can you see the starfish in the center of this photo?

Snow White then proceeded to hang the ornaments. It was SO much fun to reminisce about the origin of each ornament, and to listen to what SHE remembered about some of them. She remembered the pre-school teacher that taught her to make some of her first ornaments out of construction paper, glitter and pipe cleaners:) This beauty is about 14 years old.

CB's mother gave us this beautiful tree topper a number of years ago. She's top heavy,(the Angel, NOT CB's mother), and gave CB quite a fit when he was trying to put her on top of the tree. She finally settled down:)

I enjoy sitting on the sofa and just staring at the lights. My dog and cat enjoy it as well!

Can you tell we are Wolfpack fans?

Snow White also remembered that she and I made these lovely ornaments with a bunch of neighborhood kids one year. 1995, I believe. It snowed every Friday for about three months, and the kids were starting to go a little stir-crazy. Thank goodness I kept a ready supply of craft items on hand. These had ribbons and jingle bells on them! Oh, and, of course, GLITTER!
So beautiful! I love how memories of little afternoon craft projects because it's snowing outside can stay in your mind for years ...
If that's the case, I'm going to remember THIS CHRISTMAS forever ... if craft projects include making cocktails. Which I'm SURE they do.
Simply Beautiful!! Is there any wine left??
Uh, it was six strands of additional colored lights thank you very much.
Oh...this is wonderful. I do believe that the Christmas Spirit has arrived at your house. A gorgeous tree and I love the starfish ornaments!!!
About preserving the ornaments for posterity...you could laminate the construction paper ones, cut them out, and punch a hole in the top to run a ribbon through.
The other one's can be preserved with painting a clear acrylic varnish over them and a sealer.
I might also suggest making a shadow box with all her christmas gems that can be placed on a special shelf or mantle...use photos from Christmas past as a part of a very special collage.
I too, would be heart broken if anything happened to a mother's most precious ornaments...the one's made by their heart's joy....our children.
Dang, you went and got me all teary eyed...now I need some wine!
You've preserved them the best way - by re-living the memories as they were hung! The tree looks beautiful!
PS - CB is awesome - sometimes everyone needs some colored lights!
You are so sweet! I love your tree and all of it's meaning!
I think you can by a "Spray Laquer" to preserve them with at the craft store (I think you should ask though, I am no expert) and store them in acid free paper.
Now put down that (bottle) glass of wine and take a few more pictures for the photo album you will be looking at in thirty years!!!! I love you memories.
(look, I am all verklempt!)(sniff)
Your tree is gorgeous..I love the starfish and the sweet old hand made ornaments too. Such great memories for all of you. :)
Your tree is gorgeous, and you do seem to have discovered the Christmas spirit...in addition to the Christmas SPIRITS.
Did everyone have clothes on when this tree was being decorated? No! don't tell me. Too much information.
It looks wonderful! I believe I am coming over for a visit. The most exciting part of Christmas for me is remembering each and every ornament and its a sentimental ride.
P.S. My most exciting Christmas morning as a child was when I got my New Bike with the yellow banana seat. I rode it in the living room!
Crafts???? I am impressed beyond words. Do not speak to me of departing children. Thanks.
I'm so glad you got your tree up and it looks beautiful. The starfish is so pretty.
I love how you cleared up the fact that CB's Mom is not top heavy!!!
And Marlene made me lol too.
I hope you find a way to keep your daughter's things.
Love your "hero" photos with the BIG hair. I remember those times. LOL and I probably have a few similar photos.
Great job getting the tree all spiffied up.
Those ornaments will never disintergrate, they will just get ratty, and you will still think they are the cat's pajamas and hand them on the tree.
I don't know anything about preserving ornaments. My Pastor and his wife in college give the girls a box of all of their ornaments when they get married. I think it is such a sweet tradition. I made Kaish and Gary get special ornaments this year and we are going to do it every year from now on.
I do see the Starfish!
Merry Christmas!
What a beautiful Christmas tree and memories to go with them!
I have to tell you I love the pictures of Wilma in your sidebar. She really had the hair goin on didn't she!
Hand made ornaments that don't look like you'd sucked down a bottle of vodka while making them? Freakin' over achiever!
I hope you have an awesome Christmas BHE! Hope to see you after the first of the year!
Oh, how beautiful. I love ornaments with stories and histories. Merry Christmas dear one. I can't wait to meet you soon and I hope you have a glorious holiday with your family. It's such a pleasure to have you in my life each day.
Merry Christmas, BHE. Thank you for everything, and if we make history this year with the Blogapalooza just know that I loved you even before you became famous.
Merry Christmas Snow White, Cool Breeze and BHE!
I am glad to see you have finally gotten in the spirit.
Beautiful tree. I love the handmade ornaments, I lost all of the Divas in our move and it breaks my heart.
Merry Christmas!!
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