I'm upset that I haven't been able to take pictures of the garage enclosure. It has quickly progressed, and I have not captured it on film. I have deluded myself into believing that the camera will magically reappear one day. Looks like I will just have to bite the bullet and replace it. SOON!
Fortunately, I uploaded the following shots prior to "the incident"!
See that orange thing nailed to the tree? That's our building permit. Stop laughing. Now.

The first step in the process was to cut down a tree to make room for the little covered porch. (You can see the stump behind the second dirt pile.) This was followed by digging two footer holes for the porch columns. These holes were filled with cement, and work stopped for the day because......
...they had to be inspected by the county. This is how the county notified us that our holes had passed inspection. (Heehee!) I wonder how much the county spends on ziplocks each year. Now you may laugh!!
We have to have our permits outside in those ziplock bags, too. What is that all about? Go get a camera. Or take pictures with your phone. I love these kinds of projects. Especially when they are at other people's houses.
You have to document this project for us...I mean for your grandkids one day.
Those dang County permit people can really get under your skin, can't they?
DEFINATELY...make this Garage project a KODAK moment of memories!
ANXIOUSLY waiting for the results! :)
Permit thingy is ridiculous as far as I'm concerned...and I've let them know in the past!
Wow! This sort of thing NEVER happens in my gated community. We aren't allowed to touch a THING! Which was a selling point to my husband.
Yeah, I'm the least technical one of the bunch, but I was gonna say just use the cell phone camera (not that I have ONE clue how to upload that onto the internet, but maybe Snow White knows).
What about a disposable camera (she says, leaping backwards at warp speed to the 1800's?)
Lovin' the permit on the tree!
You are going to love this space and I can't wait to see more.
I LOVE all that land! I just told Bella Della that I was giving some thought to moving away from Portland and all of that sun makes me want to even more! Six days of rain? Try 6 MONTHS of rain. Gah. I. Am. Over. It.
A snails pace huh?
All good things take time....sorry about your camera. The good thing is you can get a nice one fairly cheap these days.
Good luck. Suz
That county inspector sure has it rough!
Soooo exciting! I know your project wont take as long as our has.
You do know you can use my camera dont you?
I cant wait to see all the progress chickie!
Well for goodness sake! Come get a damn camera! I want to see progress and you live too far out in the boonies for me to travel there daily! I can't afford the gas to drive out there continously!
Saturday cannot get here soon enough!
Glad your holes passed inspection - I really could go down a very BAD road with that one!!
When we were building Vol Fan's garage, the electrical inspector came, inspected, and passed us. Not a single plug worked in the entire place - tax dollars hard at work!
So much space .. my entire apartment would fit in one of those holes
OMG! That is so weird! I just recently lost my NEWish camera, too! I am still in mourning. I know I will never see it again, and it makes me sick. I was $300.00 that we just don't have right now to buy another one.
I feel for you!
I think you should invite us all over for a "christening" when all is said and done. I'll even bring my own vino! :-)
Inspect the holes? Wow.
I hope that your camera turns up or you're able to replace it, because I'm dying to know how this is coming along. yeah yeah, it's all about me.
That's OK though because soon enough you can laugh at me. I'm about to be knee deep in new floors, countertops, a fireplace, windows and more painting. And there WILL be pictures of the madness. Heaven help me, I really really hope I've picked out all the right colours this time around.
Auds at Barking Mad
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