Mark your calendars for Virginia Blog Fest '09 - July 16 - 19 in beautiful Mathews County, VA!!!
Once again, the Blogger Butt Smackdown update has been interrupted in order for me to bring you a special message: We're having a party, and you're invited!!!
Curious? Head over to Chesapeake Bay Woman's site for the details. Over the weekend, she was a productive event organizer. I, on the other hand, moved furniture, ate oysters and made copious quantities of chili. Obviously, I have some catching up to do......
Make plans NOW to join us for an opportunity to FINALLY meet your friends who live in the computer!! Cookouts, boat rides, and maybe even a few history lessons await your arrival! You don't want to miss out on the fun:)
The Blogger Butt Smackdown update will resume tomorrow. I can't wait to hear about your progress:)
I cannot wait! For the blogfest. Not the butt smackdown--no comment there.
OH! I wish I could come!
Checking our calender...
Consider this calendar marked!!
Oh yeah this sounds way fun! You know I'll be there. I may have to bring my Clampet Wagon to camp out in! There's room for you!
Oh, I can't wait to read what happens there! You girls better be kind of naughty! I will expect martini's and lemon-drops to flow like water!!!
I wish I could come. If there's any way at all, I'd love to.
You're blogger butt smackdown sounds fabulous!
I wish I could come...sounds like so much fun!!! I expect lots of pictures darnit.
Hope your superbowl was FUN FUn FUN!!!
Awww! I wanna come!
I'll be there! It will be so much fun!
Aw man! Why can't ya'll live on the west coast?! We'll have to do a mini bloggers meet up if SSG gets her behind back to D.C. in the fall! Have SO MUCH FUN and take lots of pictures. I'm with Predo--let the drinks fly!
I'll be checking the calendar. I so wanna be there.
I'm coming for sure!
I am assuming you don't get a lot of fan comments from heterosexual guys but I find your blog pretty entertaining. I actually wanted to know if you are interested in a link exchange with Http://scottstipoftheday.blogspot.com
I too envy big hair. Perhaps we can build a friendship based around this theme. Big hair can keep us together....forever.
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