This post is dedicated to my friend (Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl. She's currently shopping for a cute fireman to call her own!
Although the Urbanna Oyster Festival has been around for 51 years, the Firemen's Parade was not organized until 1987. Fire and rescue units from all over Virginia participate in this exciting event. Crowds of people gather to cheer as the trucks flash their lights and blow their horns! The din is deafening. The lights, blinding.
Smokey is always there to remind us that we can help prevent forest fires.

The men in blue make an appearance as well. Their lights are a beautiful contrast in the sea of red.
Pictures just don't do it justice. Next year, I am going to have to video tape the parade so you can "feel" it.

Raise your hand if you've ever been to Frog Level. When you come to visit, I'll take you there. It's not too far from home!

This truck had some sort of whirligig thing on the front. I couldn't stop looking at it. Of course, everything looked like this to me after staring directly into bright lights for an hour!!!

Of course, when the parade ends, everyone heads over to the Firehouse to listen to the band. They don't stay sad for long:)
Yesterday we celebrated our Veterans. I hope you all took time to thank a vet.
Although the Urbanna Oyster Festival has been around for 51 years, the Firemen's Parade was not organized until 1987. Fire and rescue units from all over Virginia participate in this exciting event. Crowds of people gather to cheer as the trucks flash their lights and blow their horns! The din is deafening. The lights, blinding.
Smokey is always there to remind us that we can help prevent forest fires.

The men in blue make an appearance as well. Their lights are a beautiful contrast in the sea of red.

Raise your hand if you've ever been to Frog Level. When you come to visit, I'll take you there. It's not too far from home!

This truck had some sort of whirligig thing on the front. I couldn't stop looking at it. Of course, everything looked like this to me after staring directly into bright lights for an hour!!!
It's always sad when the parade comes to an end.

Of course, when the parade ends, everyone heads over to the Firehouse to listen to the band. They don't stay sad for long:)
Yesterday we celebrated our Veterans. I hope you all took time to thank a vet.
Take a moment sometime to thank your local fire and rescue personnel. They remain our unsung heroes.
Amen. And why are firemen always so cute?
Um, where are the pictures of the firemen??? :) And does having heard of Frog Level count?
I'm with belladella! We need some firefighter pix. Like now. Go on. Post 'em.
Now that's what I call an addition of eye candy. Come. To. Mama.
Thank you very much. I needed that this morning!!
The parade looks great. I could not raise my hand...never heard of Frog Level. Sounds interesting.
Those firemen are hideous. Why must you do that to us????
Looks like fun! Just another awesome thing to come out of '80s.
Oh, and MEOW on that first picture!
THANK YOU! That is much, much better. I think I might set something on fire today :) SSG will be very happy.
1st time here, nice to "meet" ya. The name of your blog drew me in1
I would comment, but I am speechless. Happily speechless, and I am also noticing that there is no body hair in that picture. Now I am even happier.
um, do we get to pick which one we want to rescue us (3rd from left is fine with me). Okay back to reality of life.. sick kids and laundry... Thanks for the smile today!
Thanks for such great low fat snack that puts a smile on my face and doesn't make my butt any bigger! I needed this today...jk.
Like mom2three said I'm dealing with a sick girl and oh the laundry.
Such a great time...I am glad you shared the photos with us.
I love a good parade.
Do you think you and the other girls could plan the Va Bloggers Fest...let me know when and I will definitely be there.
Oh yes! I imagine there will be eyes rolling on this. It's nice to know there are other moms out there that are torturing their children the same way I do! :)
And may SSG have all the Firemen she wants!!!!!! Gawd Bless em, EVERYONE!!!!
Great day in the mornin', if I'd known there was gonna be all that testosterone swirling around Friday night I'd have come then. As it was, the Saturday parade was good, too, but no eye candy like that.
Great pictures - next year I'll help you make that video, but please, let's do it BEFORE the wine, not during or after.
Virginia Blogfest is currently in the planning phase...let's try and figure something out in the next month or so. I am sure that a planning meeting involving beverages would be just the push we need to iron out the details.
My husband was a fireman with Los Angeles Ciy Fire Dept. I loved him in uniform, and out. I still hear from some of the other firemen after all these years.
My son's FIL is a fireman at Disneyland! Can you believe it? Anaheim CA has a station there. He also is "in charge" of a vintage fire truck and spiffy's it up every year for a local parade. I did a post about him driving it around the neighborhood and dropping his grandson off at school in it.
All those lights would make me see them in my sleep all night. Sounds like you had a blast.
Ummmm ... what an AWESOME thing to come home to tonight! Man, oh man! Please dedicate fireman posts to me every day, okay? Thanks! Good lawd, is it getting hot in here? (P.S. When is the parade next year? I will buy my plane ticket RIGHT NOW.) Must go take a cold shower now!
You send over those firemen in the first picture...AND BOY HOWDY WILL I EVER THANK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you send SSG that catalog that the first picture came from? Which one did she order? Cause man! What a decision!
Can I come along with SSG? :o)
Too funny...my hubby was in the Frog Level engine that night and they won 1st place!
Those firemen are nice...but I like smoky even better!
Frog Level? Sounds like a wonderful place! I'd love to visit! :)
When I think about fire fighters, I am in awe that they are able to do their jobs. I can't even imagine being able to forge into danger they way they do all the time.
And our police... again, I am in awe.
They really are unsung heroes. And they shouldn't be... unsung, I mean. I wonder how crazy they would think I am if I dropped in to the fire hall down the road and said thank you? :)
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