Sunday, November 30, 2008
Sleepy Sunday
I just woke up from a VERY long nap. Jealous?
After church today, we headed out for a fantastic seafood lunch. I had crabcakes....YUMMY! So, there I was with a full belly. It was rainy and cold outside, and when we returned home I could hear my sofa whispering my name. OK, it was SHOUTING my was that freshly washed blanket thrown over the back cushions. CB turned on the football game, and it was only a matter of minutes before I was sawing logs. Or, did I dream about sawing logs? Anyway, I didn't fight it, and I woke up about three hours later. I'll never fall asleep tonight, but it was worth it!!
I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. Ours was better than I could have imagined! We welcomed my side of the family into our home Friday for a belated celebration. The final count was 19. This included both of my parents and their spouses, both of my sisters and their families, as well as one of my cousins and his family. A great mix of personalities, coupled with more food than should be allowable by law, made for a day that went by much too quickly:)
As any good country family will tell you, Thanksgiving in our neck of the woods is never complete without shooting. Not to be outdone by our neighbors, the boys, AND some of the girls, went out to the field to test their prowess. Some were apprehensive, some were awestruck, some were just a little too excited about getting their hands on firearms! (One little brother was a bit nervous when it was his sister's turn to shoot. Evidently, he has not been very nice to her lately!) Others stumbled back to the house with silly grins plastered on their faces. The testosterone shield that surrounded the house encompassed a three mile radius. No animals were harmed in this experiment.
Keep in mind that we do have some City Mice in the family. Hillbilly life is such a novelty, and they were quickly captivated by it's spell. (Too bad they didn't hang around long enough to help burn trash in the burn barrel. Now THAT'S good stuff!)
Tomorrow it's back to the grind. I'm allowing myself a week to relish the Thanksgiving memories, then the Christmas rush begins in earnest. The sad part will be here before we know it.
After church today, we headed out for a fantastic seafood lunch. I had crabcakes....YUMMY! So, there I was with a full belly. It was rainy and cold outside, and when we returned home I could hear my sofa whispering my name. OK, it was SHOUTING my was that freshly washed blanket thrown over the back cushions. CB turned on the football game, and it was only a matter of minutes before I was sawing logs. Or, did I dream about sawing logs? Anyway, I didn't fight it, and I woke up about three hours later. I'll never fall asleep tonight, but it was worth it!!
I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday weekend. Ours was better than I could have imagined! We welcomed my side of the family into our home Friday for a belated celebration. The final count was 19. This included both of my parents and their spouses, both of my sisters and their families, as well as one of my cousins and his family. A great mix of personalities, coupled with more food than should be allowable by law, made for a day that went by much too quickly:)
As any good country family will tell you, Thanksgiving in our neck of the woods is never complete without shooting. Not to be outdone by our neighbors, the boys, AND some of the girls, went out to the field to test their prowess. Some were apprehensive, some were awestruck, some were just a little too excited about getting their hands on firearms! (One little brother was a bit nervous when it was his sister's turn to shoot. Evidently, he has not been very nice to her lately!) Others stumbled back to the house with silly grins plastered on their faces. The testosterone shield that surrounded the house encompassed a three mile radius. No animals were harmed in this experiment.
Keep in mind that we do have some City Mice in the family. Hillbilly life is such a novelty, and they were quickly captivated by it's spell. (Too bad they didn't hang around long enough to help burn trash in the burn barrel. Now THAT'S good stuff!)
Tomorrow it's back to the grind. I'm allowing myself a week to relish the Thanksgiving memories, then the Christmas rush begins in earnest. The sad part will be here before we know it.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Give Thanks
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Cool Breeze

It's official. Cool Breeze has his own blog! Hurry on over there and leave a message. If your husband is home, ask him to do it. TESTOSTERONE WELCOME. CB has declared war against his feminine side. Poor guy. He enjoys reading our blogs, but is in need of some guy-time! Rest assured that he knows each and every one of you by name, but he'd much rather have comments from people with names like "Race Fan" and "Deer Slayer" get the idea.
Enjoy your blog Honey! As you WELL know, it's addictive. Consider yourself warned.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Deep Thoughts

Just a few things that are occupying that vacuous space between my ears today:
-If I ignore the leaves that currently blanket two acres of my yard, will they go away?
-If I choose to NOT send Christmas cards this year, does that make me a bad person?
-How is it possible for ONE dog to shed THAT much hair?
-Are there any teenagers out there who actually clean their rooms?
-Is it wrong to be SO excited about the big Thanksgiving meal? Will my thighs EVER forgive me for eating the big Thanksgiving meal?
-Does anyone really care that I use canned corn when making corn pudding? Is that cheating?
-Who invented the "pop-up timer"? I'd like to kiss that person.
-Why do people wear their pajamas to the grocery store?
-There are HOW MANY days until Christmas??? Oh, dear.
What are YOU thinking about today?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Exactly 22 years ago today, Cool Breeze and I were getting married. It was the perfect day - not a cloud in the sky, seventy degrees....and WE. WERE. SKINNY.
CB wore the #22 football jersey in high school. The photo below shows him in action:) When we decided to get married, we perused the 1986 calendar in search of the perfect date. As luck would have it, there was a Saturday the November. Not my first choice for wedding months, but it had to be a sign!

The only glitch in the day came in the form of static cling. It was hardly noticeable at first, but before long all of the bridesmaid's dresses were creeping up the back of their crinolines!!! Thank goodness for Static Guard.
Stop laughing. You KNOW crinolines were HAWT in the '80's.
This photo features the newlyweds and CB's grandmother. Take a moment to check out the train on that wedding dress. I'm still trying to figure out how I was able to wear a garment that weighed more than I did.

CB wore the #22 football jersey in high school. The photo below shows him in action:) When we decided to get married, we perused the 1986 calendar in search of the perfect date. As luck would have it, there was a Saturday the November. Not my first choice for wedding months, but it had to be a sign!

The only glitch in the day came in the form of static cling. It was hardly noticeable at first, but before long all of the bridesmaid's dresses were creeping up the back of their crinolines!!! Thank goodness for Static Guard.
Stop laughing. You KNOW crinolines were HAWT in the '80's.
This photo features the newlyweds and CB's grandmother. Take a moment to check out the train on that wedding dress. I'm still trying to figure out how I was able to wear a garment that weighed more than I did.

I'll share a few milestones from our 22-year journey:
-Lived in one apartment and three different houses (two of which we had built)
-Produced one FABULOUS daughter who is the light of our lives
-Nurtured three dogs, two cats, and one hermit crab
-While married, with a child, CB passed his exam to become a Licensed Surveyor, and BHE graduated from college
-Managed to keep a small business afloat for 13 years
I have no idea what the next 22 years will hold for us, but I'm excited about continuing this journey.
Happy Anniversary Honey!! I love you.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sigrid the Shameless

I recently came across this Medieval Name Generator. All you have to do is type in your name, and it will assign you a Medieval name. They are HILARIOUS!!
From now on, I will be known as Sigrid the Shameless! (Should I change the name of my blog??)
Be sure to come back and inform me of your new title:)
Love, Sigrid
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Update on Baby Addison

Despite the fact that she has had a couple of frightening setbacks, this little angel will soon be transported to a hospital that is MUCH closer to home. She is getting stronger every day, and continuing to show everyone what a little fighter she is!
BA's mom has been posting daily updates. In one of the posts, she mentioned that BA's crying was "music to her ears". You see, the baby had been sedated while undergoing extensive treatment, and her parents had never heard her REALLY cry. In addition, being able to cry will help strengthen her underdeveloped lungs. She is being treated by a speech therapist, and the next goal is for her to be able to eat on her own.
Please continue to lift this amazing family up in prayer. It may be a LONG time before our church family meets this little one, but she is already loved beyond belief.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Prize!
I arrived home late Monday night and discovered this on my kitchen counter...

Overcome with excitement, I tore into it and discovered this...

Overcome with excitement, I tore into it and discovered this...

This beautiful table runner was a gift from my friend Wilma over at Little Toes & Cheerios!! The card and the note enclosed were just as cool as the present! THANK YOU!
Wilma originally used the real names of her family members on her site. Unfortunately, she became the victim of some creepy lurker, and was forced to go the pseudonym route that many of us have chosen. I entered her contest to come up with bloggy names for the gang. I chose "The Flintstones" and I WON!!!!
You can't tell in the photo, but there are poinsettias stitched along the border of the runner. Ironically enough, I purchased one like this as a fall has oak leaves stitched along the border. Great minds think alike, right Wilma??? Can't wait to use it!!
Be sure to go over and check out The Flintstone's new site. You'll leave with a smile on your face:)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
"I cannot conceive the Spring of lands that have no Winter. I take my Winter gladly, to get Spring as a keen and fresh experience."
-The Odd Farmwife, The Odd Farmhouse, (1913)
The weather has turned cold in my neck of the woods. I'm not particularly fond of cold weather, but this little quote has helped me put things into perspective.
As I drove home from work today, snow flurries swirled around my truck. I knew they weren't going to amount to anything, but I felt a childlike excitement as I watched the flakes dance about!
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a "White Christmas" this year? It's been SO long since we have had snow on that special day. Snow White used to put snow on her Christmas Wish List every year!!
Perhaps the cold weather isn't such a bad thing after all. It ushers in the Holiday Season, and deposits us at Spring's doorstep.
Are you starting to get into the holiday spirit?
-The Odd Farmwife, The Odd Farmhouse, (1913)
The weather has turned cold in my neck of the woods. I'm not particularly fond of cold weather, but this little quote has helped me put things into perspective.
As I drove home from work today, snow flurries swirled around my truck. I knew they weren't going to amount to anything, but I felt a childlike excitement as I watched the flakes dance about!
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a "White Christmas" this year? It's been SO long since we have had snow on that special day. Snow White used to put snow on her Christmas Wish List every year!!
Perhaps the cold weather isn't such a bad thing after all. It ushers in the Holiday Season, and deposits us at Spring's doorstep.
Are you starting to get into the holiday spirit?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Star Wars
I picked up this meme from Mental P Mama over at The Mental Pause Chronicles. The instructions were to post the fourth picture in your fourth folder. I was hesitant, then relieved to discover that I was not in the photograph!

This shot was taken last December at the Ukrop's Christmas Parade in Richmond. Snow White (on the left) and her friend had been hired to dress up as Comcast cartoon characters. We arrived at the staging area, and discovered the cast of Star Wars waiting in the parking lot! The girls asked if they could get a picture, and these Stormtroopers quickly obliged. Obviously, they are not as unfriendly as they appear.
I'm not going to tag anyone for this meme, but feel free to use it. It's reasonably painless:)
Hope your Monday goes by quickly!
Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm including this first picture to save you the trouble of leaving angry comments. Ever since the post about the Firemen's Parade, this blog has deteriorated into nothing more than a forum for eye candy! You people are shameless.
You're welcome.

You've seen my posts about the Urbanna Oyster Festival, but what you don't know is that I had an opportunity to further my education in between parades and bivalve consumption. Yes, I attended Pirate School. Well, I was actually too old to attend, but I watched the children participate, and I was captivated. Oh, to be seven again!

These folks are dedicated to historical accuracy, and laughter! I, um, I mean, the kids hung on every word.
The Drivelswiggers, Picaroons and Powder Monkeys were gracious enough to pose for a quick photo - even after a long day of singing, rope tying and sabre-wielding. I think they were ready to head back to the ship to drink some bumboo. They earned it!!
To the mast nail our flag it is dark as the grave,
To the mast nail our flag it is dark as the grave,
Or the death which it bears while it sweeps o'er the wave;
Let our deck clear for action, our guns be prepared;
Be the boarding-axe sharpened, the scimetar bared:
Set the canisters ready, and then bring to me,
For the last of my duties, the powder-room key.
It shall never be lowered, the black flag we bear;
It shall never be lowered, the black flag we bear;
If the sea be denied us, we sweep through the air.
Unshared have we left our last victory's prey;
It is mine to divide it, and yours to obey:
There are shawls that might suit a sultana's white neck,
And pearls that are fair as the arms they will deck.
There are flasks which, unseal them, the air will disclose
Diametta's fair summers, the home of the rose.
I claim not a portion: I ask but as mine
'Tis to drink to our victory - one cup of red wine.
Some fight, 'tis for riches - some fight, 'tis for fame:
The first I despise, and the last is a name.
I fight, 'tis for vengeance! I love to see flow,
At the stroke of my sabre, the life of my foe.
I strike for the memory of long-vanished years;
I only shed blood where another shed tears,
I come, as the lightning comes red from above,
O'er the race that I loathe, to the battle I love.
Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Little Miss Spat, And Such
I hope you are not tiring of the Oyster Fest posts. It was such a fun weekend, and I wanted to show you a little more of what it had to offer. The following information was provided courtesy of the official Urbanna Oyster Festival website.
In 1986 the prestigious Friday night Fireman's Parade began a truly exhilarating experience. In 1988, the General Assembly of Virginia designated the festival as the official Oyster Festival of the Commonwealth. In 1991, the Urbanna Oyster Festival Foundation was established to produce and manage the annual festival.
The festival has grown and so have the crowds. Crowds for the two-day event now number nearly 75,000. Food and craft booths number over 125 and the Fireman's Parade features over 80 engines of every size and description. The Oyster Festival Parade on Saturday features over 80 units including numerous marching bands, antique cars, locally produced floats and the renowned Khedive Temple Shrine Club of Norfolk.

Things began to spring to life early Saturday morning. Spirits didn't seem to be dampened by the cloudy skies and light drizzle that blanketed this little water town.
People lined up early to get their pickles. It was encouraging to know that the people running the Pickle Palace were advocates of cleanliness! I'm sorry. I just thought this was hysterical!!!

The Queen and Little Miss Spat contestants........if you do not know what a 'spat' is, you didn't read the intro. from their website:)
The parade mascot........for those of you looking at the sign behind the oyster jeep, the full word is "Middlesex". It's the county in which this event is held. Get your mind out of the gutter!
One delighted little boy........his family stood next to me, and I missed half of the parade because I was so busy watching him laugh and wave! ya didn't see THAT one coming!

I have one more post saved up from this great event. I'll give you a hint - "SHIVER ME TIMBERS!" There will be pictures.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Firemen's Parade
This photo was NOT part of my original post this morning. It has been added because of all the peer pressure, um, because I'm a blogger and I like to give my people what they want. Today, they want EYE CANDY. Enjoy!

This post is dedicated to my friend (Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl. She's currently shopping for a cute fireman to call her own!
Although the Urbanna Oyster Festival has been around for 51 years, the Firemen's Parade was not organized until 1987. Fire and rescue units from all over Virginia participate in this exciting event. Crowds of people gather to cheer as the trucks flash their lights and blow their horns! The din is deafening. The lights, blinding.
Smokey is always there to remind us that we can help prevent forest fires.

The men in blue make an appearance as well. Their lights are a beautiful contrast in the sea of red.
Pictures just don't do it justice. Next year, I am going to have to video tape the parade so you can "feel" it.

Raise your hand if you've ever been to Frog Level. When you come to visit, I'll take you there. It's not too far from home!

This truck had some sort of whirligig thing on the front. I couldn't stop looking at it. Of course, everything looked like this to me after staring directly into bright lights for an hour!!!

Of course, when the parade ends, everyone heads over to the Firehouse to listen to the band. They don't stay sad for long:)
Yesterday we celebrated our Veterans. I hope you all took time to thank a vet.
Although the Urbanna Oyster Festival has been around for 51 years, the Firemen's Parade was not organized until 1987. Fire and rescue units from all over Virginia participate in this exciting event. Crowds of people gather to cheer as the trucks flash their lights and blow their horns! The din is deafening. The lights, blinding.
Smokey is always there to remind us that we can help prevent forest fires.

The men in blue make an appearance as well. Their lights are a beautiful contrast in the sea of red.

Raise your hand if you've ever been to Frog Level. When you come to visit, I'll take you there. It's not too far from home!

This truck had some sort of whirligig thing on the front. I couldn't stop looking at it. Of course, everything looked like this to me after staring directly into bright lights for an hour!!!
It's always sad when the parade comes to an end.

Of course, when the parade ends, everyone heads over to the Firehouse to listen to the band. They don't stay sad for long:)
Yesterday we celebrated our Veterans. I hope you all took time to thank a vet.
Take a moment sometime to thank your local fire and rescue personnel. They remain our unsung heroes.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Baby Addison
I'd like for each of you to take a moment today to pray for a very special family. This young couple attends our church, and they have been through quite an ordeal.
Their newborn daughter has been diagnosed with VATER Syndrome. They are hours away from their family and friends, and are basically watching their daughter fight for her life.
This beautiful angel is a true fighter! She has been through multiple surgeries, and still has a long way to go. She defied the odds, and was able to breathe on her own over the weekend. They are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Speech Pathologist who will begin working with Addison on eating from a bottle. That will take her one step closer to being able to go home.
The MOST wonderful news update was that her parents were able to hold her for the first time on Saturday! Can you imagine NOT being able to hold your baby in your arms for the first three weeks of her life?
Addison is still not out of the woods, but she is making tremendous strides. When she IS able to come home, she will be surrounded by an amazing extended family. Not to mention the BEST mom and dad a girl could ask for:)
Thanks for keeping her in your thoughts and prayers. Things are always better when we stick together!
Their newborn daughter has been diagnosed with VATER Syndrome. They are hours away from their family and friends, and are basically watching their daughter fight for her life.

Addison is still not out of the woods, but she is making tremendous strides. When she IS able to come home, she will be surrounded by an amazing extended family. Not to mention the BEST mom and dad a girl could ask for:)
Thanks for keeping her in your thoughts and prayers. Things are always better when we stick together!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Fun With Mollusks

I'm leaving work at lunchtime today to go to the amazing Urbanna Oyster Festival! I'll spend the next day and a half eating seafood, listening to bands, watching parades and catching up with family and friends. I'm confident that I will return home tomorrow night with a monumental amount of blog fodder:) The camera battery is FULLY charged!!!
May your weekend be FULL of pleasant surprises!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Take The Long Way Home
There's no place like home!! How true. After a 30 minute commute in the evening, I can't wait to turn off of the hard surface road and slowly meander my way to the house. My blood pressure plummets, and I feel myself begin to relax.
I snapped these photos one day last week when it was cold and rainy. The image quality is poor, but you get the idea!

This is one of the spots where deer hang out. They were smart enough to make themselves scarce on a day like this!

I could see a place where turkeys had been scratching in the leaves looking for a bite to eat.
I snapped these photos one day last week when it was cold and rainy. The image quality is poor, but you get the idea!

This is one of the spots where deer hang out. They were smart enough to make themselves scarce on a day like this!

I could see a place where turkeys had been scratching in the leaves looking for a bite to eat.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Is anyone else EXHAUSTED? The time change, and the election hoopla, have sapped every single ounce of energy I have. Groggy and lethargic? That's me!! Top that off with a fifth of insomnia, and you have my new recipe for a "Sleepy Girl" cocktail.
First thing this morning, just as I was beginning to muster enough strength to function at work, I saw this Wait. WHAT? Christmas? How is that possible? I haven't even started shopping. Can't we just get through Thanksgiving first?
And then there's the whole exercise thing. I want to exercise, but I have to actually SHOW UP at the gym for that to happen. I'm in total denial about how tight my clothes are fitting these days. I'm craving carbs on these cold, dark nights. Yes, I need to put exercise back at the top of my "To Do" list. It may be the ONE thing that will morph me out of my current physical state - which closely resembles a slug!
Are you still reading? If so, tell me what YOU do to combat fatigue.
First thing this morning, just as I was beginning to muster enough strength to function at work, I saw this Wait. WHAT? Christmas? How is that possible? I haven't even started shopping. Can't we just get through Thanksgiving first?
And then there's the whole exercise thing. I want to exercise, but I have to actually SHOW UP at the gym for that to happen. I'm in total denial about how tight my clothes are fitting these days. I'm craving carbs on these cold, dark nights. Yes, I need to put exercise back at the top of my "To Do" list. It may be the ONE thing that will morph me out of my current physical state - which closely resembles a slug!
Are you still reading? If so, tell me what YOU do to combat fatigue.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Birthday Little Sis!
Today is my youngest sister's birthday, and this is her birthday card. I hope she won't be disappointed. If nothing else, I hope she gets a good laugh out of these pictures!
When we were growing up, she was always advanced for her age. I would like to believe that it was because she had two brilliant older sisters, but that wouldn't be the truth. Baby Sis is the tallest and smartest of the three of us. She was also the only one who got thick hair. Some people get it all, don't they?
When school picture day rolled around one year, Mom brought her to school to have her photo taken along with Middle Sis and me. I believe this was the same year that Middle Sis tried her hand at cosmetology. She whacked Little Sister's bangs off at the hair line! Fortunately, she never pursued that line of work. And Little Sis looked cute anyway! (Raise your hand if you LOVED those yarn hair ribbons. We had them in every color. Seems like we always fought over the hot pink set.)

Little Sis has always loved animals. That's one trait that all three of us share. There were always dogs and cats in our home, and we always enjoyed it when they snuck into our pictures!
She's the only one of us who has ever looked good in a hat. She got THAT from our great grandmother, who had quite a collection of hats and hat pins. (Middle Sis is in the left photo, and I am in the one on the right.)

She's always been great fun at parties. There was one occasion when she blew the biggest bubblegum bubble of all, and it popped and got all over her face and in her hair. It was a bit of a buzz kill.

She may have been Dad's favorite. But then again, we ALL thought we were the favorite:) Left to Right: Little Sis, Dad, Middle Sis, BHE.

Her hair required very little work to achieve it's '80's status. Maybe just a spritz of Aqua Net, as opposed to the two cans per day that Middle Sis and I required. Wait, are you wearing MY favorite sweater tank top in this picture? We'll talk about that later. UmmK?

Pepsi should have hired her to star in their commercials. She's much cuter than Cindy Crawford. This picture was taken on the Eastern Shore one year when we attended Pony Penning. (I believe I hid in the background when this photo was taken. Would you want to stand next to those two Pony Penning Barbies??)

She even danced at my wedding! Better yet, she didn't complain about that dress.....not even once. (WARNING: View at your own risk!) Left to Right: Middle Sis, BHE, Cool Breeze, Little Sis.

Baby Sis, I hope that your birthday is as special as you are. GREAT BIG HUGS AND KISSES FROM ALL OF US AT CASA DE ENVY!!!! WE LOVE YOU!
When we were growing up, she was always advanced for her age. I would like to believe that it was because she had two brilliant older sisters, but that wouldn't be the truth. Baby Sis is the tallest and smartest of the three of us. She was also the only one who got thick hair. Some people get it all, don't they?
When school picture day rolled around one year, Mom brought her to school to have her photo taken along with Middle Sis and me. I believe this was the same year that Middle Sis tried her hand at cosmetology. She whacked Little Sister's bangs off at the hair line! Fortunately, she never pursued that line of work. And Little Sis looked cute anyway! (Raise your hand if you LOVED those yarn hair ribbons. We had them in every color. Seems like we always fought over the hot pink set.)

Little Sis has always loved animals. That's one trait that all three of us share. There were always dogs and cats in our home, and we always enjoyed it when they snuck into our pictures!

She's always been great fun at parties. There was one occasion when she blew the biggest bubblegum bubble of all, and it popped and got all over her face and in her hair. It was a bit of a buzz kill.

She may have been Dad's favorite. But then again, we ALL thought we were the favorite:) Left to Right: Little Sis, Dad, Middle Sis, BHE.

Her hair required very little work to achieve it's '80's status. Maybe just a spritz of Aqua Net, as opposed to the two cans per day that Middle Sis and I required. Wait, are you wearing MY favorite sweater tank top in this picture? We'll talk about that later. UmmK?

Pepsi should have hired her to star in their commercials. She's much cuter than Cindy Crawford. This picture was taken on the Eastern Shore one year when we attended Pony Penning. (I believe I hid in the background when this photo was taken. Would you want to stand next to those two Pony Penning Barbies??)

She even danced at my wedding! Better yet, she didn't complain about that dress.....not even once. (WARNING: View at your own risk!) Left to Right: Middle Sis, BHE, Cool Breeze, Little Sis.

Baby Sis, I hope that your birthday is as special as you are. GREAT BIG HUGS AND KISSES FROM ALL OF US AT CASA DE ENVY!!!! WE LOVE YOU!
P.S. We REALLY need to get some new pictures of the three of us. Will you help me remember to take some the next time we are all together? Thanks. (I'm asking you because you are the SMART one. You are also the only one who hasn't lost her mind!)
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