In the spirit of the Olympics, my cat tried her hand (or paw) at the balance beam last weekend. She's a natural on that particular apparatus. Her first attempts were a bit shaky. She was also distracted by the flying insect parade.Once she was able to focus, her form improved tremendously and her confidence soared. I think her scores would have been higher if she had been able to keep her tail straight. The judges seemed to frown upon that. I thought it was really cute! She didn't receive a medal this time, but she is already practicing her winning stance. A dedicated athlete at the ripe old age of three.
Adorable! She has beautiful markings! Mine were playing hockey this morning with their basket of toys. I guess they are getting ready for the Winter Games :)
LMAO...I needed this, this morning. She looks a lot like my Thomas Jefferson but she is WAY more talented. I like the closing stance for the judges, with her front paw out and head turned! Give her the GOLD!!!
But when will llama treking become an Olympic sport! Thanks for the recipe - will give go a dessert loving friend who is not afraid of so many ingredients. Love your blog!
Good post! Funny! BTW, I was going to tag you for my 10 random things but then looked at your site and noticed that you'd already been tagged. Darn. Maybe next time... :)
Adorable! She has beautiful markings! Mine were playing hockey this morning with their basket of toys. I guess they are getting ready for the Winter Games :)
Her years of hard word and practice have paid off. Hope she signs a lucrative endorsement deal.
I think she deserves a purrfect 10.
I have a problem with keeping my tail straight, too :)
OH my.... I knew the "purr-fect" comment would be used. HA! Someone beat me too it.
Great post--you funny woman!
How many hours a day do you make her practice?
LMAO...I needed this, this morning. She looks a lot like my Thomas Jefferson but she is WAY more talented. I like the closing stance for the judges, with her front paw out and head turned! Give her the GOLD!!!
How clever! She deserves a metal.
* Chesapeake bay came up with the purr-fect comment. "Dog" gone it!
Give her the GOLD! She deserves a 10!
And she has mastered that whole ennui/aloof thing, too!
It's always the tail keeping me down to.......wait a min.....what were we talking about?
She is saying, that new scoring system is just not right, I should have a medal!!!!
But when will llama treking become an Olympic sport! Thanks for the recipe - will give go a dessert loving friend who is not afraid of so many ingredients. Love your blog!
am impressed! And without the thousands of dollars in gym lessons, too? She's a natural.
I will package up the sock monkey dress and ship it to you when I'm done. YEAH FOR BOTH OF US!!
Hallie :)
Is she REALLY 3 and doing that all on her OWN? I demand to see a birth certificate and drug test results!
I agree with CBW, purrrfect ten all around! Bella Koroli is envious!
Auds at Barking Mad
She's the purrfect athlete! With an air of aloofness and poise.
Good post! Funny! BTW, I was going to tag you for my 10 random things but then looked at your site and noticed that you'd already been tagged. Darn. Maybe next time... :)
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