Sunday, June 29, 2008

Styx In Church

Snow White sang a solo in church this morning. Not that I was proud of her or anything :)

The message was about using music as a form of community outreach. Our guest speaker noted that he grew up with inspirational music that didn't really inspire him. As a teenager submersed in an era of Classic Rock and Motown, he never really warmed up to the slow-paced hymns that he sang on Sunday mornings.

He had been on a quest to find music that his children could enjoy without having to *bleep* out the lyrics. Along the way, he discovered some music that HE actually enjoyed. Contemporary Praise and Worship groups provide music that is hip enough for the kids - and for their "cool" parents!

A few weeks ago, our speaker had approached Snow White about singing a contemporary song to illustrate the point of his message. Of course, she readily agreed. I can't help but feel responsible that she chose a song that was originally done by one of my favorite groups of the '70's & '80's - Styx! The song is called "Show Me the Way", and was written by Dennis DeYoung as a message to his son to try to stay on the right track in life. (I would post a link, but I am on my home computer (dial-up) and it would probably take 45 minutes to upload it. I think that may even be a conservative estimate!) Check it out if you get a chance.

I'm fairly confident that the teens and the old-timers alike were touched by her solo. Our small country church has been inundated with change over the past few years; however, rather than fight it, they have embraced it. THAT in and of itself is a blessing.


Unknown said...

I am glad that there is inspirational music that both my children and I can enjoy together. How neat that your daughter was asked to sing in church!

Thanks for visiting my blog again!

Dawn @ simply transparent said...

That's really bad you couldn't it.

Thanks for visiing the blog...and yes I would love to "legally" have a time out like that?! LOL!

(Sometimes!) Serendipitous Girl said...

Yay! You must have been a very proud mama. And Styx in church--that's a Sunday morning I can get behind!