Plans for Virginia Blog Fest '10 are well underway!! Another meeting is scheduled for this weekend, and we'd like your input. Please leave a comment, and let us know your questions, suggestions or special requests.
This year's event promises to be even bigger than last year. Be sure to make your plans NOW, as space is limited. Lodging, especially, is at a premium.
For more information, please click the pretty sunset picture in the top right corner of my blog. That photo was taken on Gwynn's Island during Virginia Blog Fest '09:)
Can't wait to see you all there!!
Cannot wait!! The Sea Shanty is already reserved!
I'd say things were pretty much perfect last year.
Lots of legal trespassing/photo ops ...
I'm making new curtains for my camper. And giving tours. Cant wait for that shrimp boil! Yummy!
Fingers crossed!!!
Greetings Big Hair Envy!
Thanks for your comment on Ocala DP. The name William Rutherford is familiar to me...do you know where the street is located?
I was wondering if this photo is left over from a previous Virginia Blog Fest? This year, remember to take your shoes! ;-)
Sounds like so much fun. but really, I don't think I would know anyone. I hate being the loner.
This falls on Lo's 17th birthday weekend too..what are you gonna do?
I see my flip flops!! Yes I'll be there. I have no suggestions because last year was perfect.
I hope I can stay at the same place but not in the same room. I want to rotate out and be on an air mattress like all the other kids. :)
Tell Suz that none of us knew each other last year...nada!
Just plenty of wine, and maybe we didn't need all of that bacon... but really, is there ever such a thing as too much bacon? :-)
Here's a suggestion: An entry fee. I don't mean to be rude but if everyone paid something it would really help towards the food, snacks, drinks. Just sayin'. (Can't wait to see you all again)!
I wish SO much I could go! Just can't happen this year... Darnit.
Hey... I didn't get any bacon! And I see my sandals!
Oh hey look! My sandals! So that's where they've been all this time. I'll be back in July to pick them up!
If I'm welcome, I hope to come this year. However, I seriously need help in figuring out what to do. I have a freebie round-trip on SW Airlines so I thought this would be the best way ever to spend it. I'll be coming from West Texas & am thinking that Norfolk is the closest airport for me. Let me know...
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