1. Today is a Tuesday-that-feels-like-Monday-stick-out-your-tongue sort of day. Neither good nor bad, just BLAH!
2. I ate Cheez-Its for supper last night. My high school Home-Ec teacher would be horrified. Although, they made a colorful plate...um, napkin.
3. Snow White and I spent a wonderful holiday season together:) She is now back at school, has pledged a sorority, and has fallen into her old ways of forgetting to text her Mama on a regular basis:/ Oh, well, I'll hear from her soon...she'll need money!
4. Why is it so much fun to burn trash in a barrel?
5. How did I ever survive without my Tervis Tumblers? "The world's first smart cup," INDEED! I. LOVE. THEM.
6. I have not had a television, by choice, for almost a year. My sister gave me her DVD player, but it had been sitting unused in the living room for almost a month. Yesterday I made the mistake of popping in a movie. I figured I'd enjoy a show while polishing off a pot of coffee on my day off. Well, three movies and a four hour nap later, I realized WHY I had chosen NOT to have that sort of entertainment around...I WON'T GET ANYTHING DONE!!! I turn into a lazy slug
7. This pesky cold has been hanging on for over a week now. I believe I will use this as my excuse for taking a four hour nap yesterday.
8. Did I mention that I took a FOUR HOUR NAP yesterday?
9. My great-grandmother was right, Vick's Vapor Rub and Nyquil CAN cure most anything that ails you.
10. What's happening in your world today??