Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday Tid-Bits

1. Today is a Tuesday-that-feels-like-Monday-stick-out-your-tongue sort of day. Neither good nor bad, just BLAH!

2. I ate Cheez-Its for supper last night. My high school Home-Ec teacher would be horrified. Although, they made a colorful plate...um, napkin.

3. Snow White and I spent a wonderful holiday season together:) She is now back at school, has pledged a sorority, and has fallen into her old ways of forgetting to text her Mama on a regular basis:/ Oh, well, I'll hear from her soon...she'll need money!

4. Why is it so much fun to burn trash in a barrel?

5. How did I ever survive without my Tervis Tumblers? "The world's first smart cup," INDEED! I. LOVE. THEM.

6. I have not had a television, by choice, for almost a year. My sister gave me her DVD player, but it had been sitting unused in the living room for almost a month. Yesterday I made the mistake of popping in a movie. I figured I'd enjoy a show while polishing off a pot of coffee on my day off. Well, three movies and a four hour nap later, I realized WHY I had chosen NOT to have that sort of entertainment around...I WON'T GET ANYTHING DONE!!! I turn into a lazy slug

7. This pesky cold has been hanging on for over a week now. I believe I will use this as my excuse for taking a four hour nap yesterday.

8. Did I mention that I took a FOUR HOUR NAP yesterday?

9. My great-grandmother was right, Vick's Vapor Rub and Nyquil CAN cure most anything that ails you.

10. What's happening in your world today??


Unknown said...

It's so good to see you blogging again!! I have missed you...

Mental P Mama said...

I miss youuuuuu!!!

I Am Woody said...

So sorry you are feeling crummy:( Need me to bring you some chicken soup?

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Everyone deserves a 4-hour nap every once in a while. Hope you're feeling better!

Jamie said...

A four hour nap is your body's way of saying you need a break. And burning anything is fun trash or not. Hope to get down to see you soon!

Daryl said...

A post from BHE! My year is all the better for that .. damn girl, I miss you ...

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Damn a bad penny! xoxo