N'awlins was the next stop on our little 3,400 mile road trip. There's magic in the air, I tell ya! Or, perhaps, it's voodoo?! Little shops and museums like this were tucked all over the French Quarter.

The trolley gave us a much needed break from two days of walking, and it was a lot of fun! AND it only cost a buck twenty five...BONUS!!

Hitching posts lined the sidewalks, but I never saw a horse tied to one. A couple of drunks, maybe, but never a horse!

Bourbon Street was fun. For about two hours. After that, I was more than ready to explore the less populated areas!

This terrace was too beautiful to leave unphotographed...

It looked as if these folks were expecting to see many, many breasts later that evening. I picked beads up off of the ground and didn't have to show a thing. I'm sure the revelers on the balcony were as pleased as I was about THAT!
BLog Fest, the Voodoo Edition?
It has a certain appeal. Just sayin'.
One place on my list of places to visit... I'm with CBW, all for sticking pins in people, er, poppets
Did I ever tell you about my first trip to Nawlin's? I loved it!When I got home I joined AA and a fat farm!
"Throw me something Mister!"
LOVE that city ... love it ..
I love these pics. It feels like I was there with you!
How cool - I've known quite a few people who have been to New Orleans, but everytime you meet someone new who's been there you see a new side to the place. Those hitching posts are so neat.
Beautiful...and a little good medicine for a mommy...;)
Great pictures of a fun city, but I think you found the beads I left there last spring. Trust me, no one wanted to see that either :)
Me, me, me! Love boudin!
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