They finally convinced me to come into the house, where I found a little snack waiting for me. The other dog didn't even TRY to eat my food. I'm not used to that.

Middle Sis left to go home, and Snow White arrived just a few minutes later. She scooped me up and snuggled me right away! I liked it alright, but I wanted to get down and play in the grass some more. Just about the time I started to get really tired from running around outside, Snow White picked me up and took me into the house for a quick bath. I didn't wiggle a bit. The warm water felt good, and the shampoo smelled really nice:)

By this time, it had gotten really late. Everyone was tired, but nobody wanted to go to sleep. I finally had to give in. It had been a long day.

BHE came in and woke me up at 5:30 the next morning. She said something about having to go potty so we could get on the road. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I played along. Although, it did take me a few minutes to get myself together. I yawned and yawned, and was finally ready to face the day.

BHE had my doggy condo all ready for me when we went outside. She had borrowed it from Noe Noe Girl, and it was just right for me! There were lots of blankets and towels inside....perfect for going back to sleep! We were on the road for 3 1/2 hours and I slept most of the way. BHE stopped twice to let me get out and run around a bit. I thought we'd NEVER stop for good!