I was tagged for this meme by my friend Ann over at Life At Ann's Place. Go check her out - she has some REALLY pretty stuff to show you:) You should also check out her birds....you'll be glad you did!
Here are the rules:
1. Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer.
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same.
The photo above features none other than Snow White (second from the right, dressed as Brother Bear). These "characters" were preparing to ride on a float in the Ukrop's Richmond Christmas Parade a couple of years ago. They brought smiles to the faces of hundreds of children that day. It was a beautiful, crisp morning in Central Virginia, and the parade definitely got us into the holiday spirit!
I am tagging the following people:
1. Noe-Noe Girl
2. Mom x 2
3. The Incredible Woody
4. Busy Bee Suz
Happy Tuesday:)
What a cute picture...I loved the berenstain bears...I think I still have a few of the books around hear. ***Me leaving...ME finding books...ha ha, that one about good and bad manners is FUNNY.*****
Oh, ok, where was I ? easily distracted who????
I will do this tomorrow.
Thanks BHE.
I remember that day! Seems like yesterday!
Thanks for the tag! And remember you tagged me! You get what you get!
LOL~ just warning you on what picture may surface!
Maybe I should be scared!
What wonderful memories for all of you! That photo is so cute!
Oh wow! Finally a meme that's original, fun, and easy to follow.
When I first saw your pic after pulling up your blog I just thought, "Oh, look! Some of Angie's family..." HA! ;-)
That's a very cute picture. But I confess I was hoping this was a meme that had to do with 4-wheelin'. YOu know, that's an Olympic sport around these parts.
Way too cute picture!
PROUD of you on sticking to your diet and exercise!!!
Keep up the GREAT work!
I'll get there yet...
What a cute picture! And thanks for giving me something to post tomorrow - my idea generator was out of gas!
What luck! This is a great photo. I love brother bear.
Ah man! These things always remind me that I need to keep my photos better organized. They're just all on mah I Photos ... gah!
Cool! Ya never know which pic will come up. Very cute!
How did I miss this post? That's an adorable picture!
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