I did it! I FINALLY finished my Christmas shopping! Better late than never....
Well, I do have ONE little stop to make on the way home from work today. But, essentially, I. Am. Done. WHEW! That gives me two whole days to wrap everything, and get the ornaments on the tree:)
I'm still not sure what happened to me this year. The word "apathy" springs to mind, but I don't think that completely covers it. Typically I am one of those women that you just HATE around this time of year. Tree up early, cards mailed the first of December, gifts ordered and wrapped two weeks ahead of time.....blah, blah, blah! Where did that woman go??? I hope she returns next year. I'm not fond of this last minute stuff - it's too stressful!
* * * * * *
A quick story to share...It was 19 degrees at my house this morning. As I drove in to work, I noticed an SUV coming out of the local carwash. IT WAS COVERED IN SOAP!!! Frozen soap. I wonder who the genius was who decided that it would be a good idea to run through the carwash on the way to work, when it was NINETEEN DEGREES!!! Bwahahahaha!
'Tis the season!!!
BHE, I'm so proud of you..I think. Glad you got your shopping done. I was beginning to worry I would not be getting a gift this year. Whew..I can sleep tonight =) Bag the gifts, it's quick and easy (love the genius who thought of those). And the tree..foget it. Just go ala natural this year. You won't be sorry.
Did you notice the porta potty is missing? Wonder if they took it in for upgrades?
I can't believe you didn't recognize my truck!
That's weird. It was there when I went by this morning.
Maybe they plan to put in a two-seater:)
Good girl! Now go have a drink;) You deserve it.
That would be me if I lived anywhere it was EVER 19 degrees! I would completely forget how to dress for it and freeze to death in the first 24 hours!
Wait. Is that Wilma Girl your sister? I just clicked on the picture. Has that always been there? Oh Lord. I am too blonde.
Few things:
*Seen the (dumb people) frozen soap cars before too!! Can never get enough of that!
*Once dated a guy from a band called Apathy! Who's now going to prison...yikes! Glad that ended!(hit and run dui)
*So glad you are done.
*FIL is improving. :)We are in good spirits.
Ohmahgah!! I haven't even STARTED Christmas shopping. Between having the flu for 2 weeks and this freak of nature snow storm, the only present I have is for my mom that I bought back in September. Which I think is actually the last time I left my house. I told everyone Christmas is coming in January this year! Tres impressive lady!
Good for you on being done. Whatever the word is for the way you feel, "apathy" or just plain "this season has become to omuch of a burden and less about what it's really all about when we're already way too busy due to work, kids, internet addictions, blog addictions, wine, work and internet addictions." (That's my label for it, anyway.)
Terribly cold here today and they say it will be worse tomorrow. Hope you have a fireplace to light while you hang those ornaments...if that doesn't get you in the mood I don't know what will. And I am still talking about the Christmas mood, Cool Breeze....
doesn't it feel good to be just about done? I still have to shop for the four family members here in TX, but all my stuff going to CA, CO and FL was shipped and rec'd already.
That had to be so funny! You should have taken a picture of that car with frozen soap.
Last week it was in the 20's here, and it started to sprinkle frozen rain, so I turned on my wipers and it just spread the ice around as it froze solid on the windshield. I tried the washer stuff, which also froze. I finally pulled over until the car was warmed up and the defroster melted the ice. Can you tell I'm not used to freezing weather?
Such a funny story! I wish that person was a blogger that you knew because you know they would take a great picture of it and post it and we would all tell them it's ok to make mistakes like that and we still loved them : ) AND they were hilarious. Am I right?
Frozen soap suds.....you just gave me an idea for a new outfit!!!
I need to go freeze some soap.
I too am really super proud of you! Better late than never I always say. Maybe some of "the recipe" was needed for you too!
It is colder here...I may need to be careful for what I wish for, huh? I would have died laughing if i saw that frozen soapy car though...that's halarious.
I hope you will enjoy your holiday girly and I am right here if you need me.
Hey now, that could have been my SUV with all that frozen soap. *lol* Thats totally something I would have done.
Kudos on the shopping accomplishment. I'm sending the hubby out to finish ours, tomorrow night.
BTW, pictures are up...yes, the paint in the hair ones! *lol*
Auds at Barking Mad
The other morning, my car was all gross, and I was thinking I should run it through the automatic car wash before work. And then I realized it was 25 degrees out, and I PROBABLY shouldn't. But normally? I would be the dumbass with the frozen suds. I swear I am missing a small portion of my brain. LOL
Car wash...too funny! Since I swear I need a brain transplant, I could see myself doing that! That is if I actually ever had my van washed!
Shopping is now done- I think- haha- something always pops up. I do want to stop and get some lotto tickets for hubby's stocking. Glad you are coming around to this whole Xmas thing :)
Carwash story kills me. So funny!
Note to self "Don't go through the drive thru car wash when it's nineteen degrees outside."
I'm just taking notes in case I'm ever in cold weather. I wouldn't know WHAT to do. Thanks!
I try to only wash the outside of my car like three or four times a year. I'm glad to have this as a new excuse. AWESOME!
So glad you finally got your stuff done...it is a great feeling.
The genius at the car wash??? well, that could be me...if only I lived there. ;)
take care,
BHE, sorry for the lack of activity at my blog. Like I said, it's been pretty dormant for awhile.
Yes, we'll be in WP the 27th for 4-5 days. Must hook up.
LOL sounds like something I would do! I bet she/he was a blond lol
I'm still shopping!!! Last min. Then I keep remembering people I have to buy for. 2 days!!!!! Then I can start feeling guilty about something else. Yea!!!
I haven't wrapped a thing yet or made any Christmas cookies. :( With my family being so sick for the past couple of weeks I haven't gotten anything Christmasy accomplished.
Loved the car wash story!
BHE~sorry for the confusion on the porta potty~I was looking at the wrong county sign. I did notice however thay have added another "rest stop" right as you cross over the brigde headed to town! I'll stop and check to make sure they have toilet paper =)
Can I get a WOOT WOOT!!! :)
Your picture of Pebbles up there in the corner.... made me snort! *snort*
Wilma!!- not Pebbles! O'vey!
See, ya got me all snorting over here and I got sidetracked.
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