It was rare to see Grandma without a smile on her face. She loved life, and she loved her family. She especially loved my PawPaw. This is a photo of the two of them on their wedding day. She waited 16 years to reunite with the love of her life. Oh, how I wish I could have seen their first kiss in Heaven:)

Visits to Grandma's house are at the top of my list of wonderful memories. We baked cookies and cakes, picked strawberries, snaps and peas, made homemade ice cream, and caught lightning bugs. We raked leaves, played Bingo by the light of an oil lamp when the power went out, and sang while Grandma played the piano.
Grandma packed our lunches, gave us a nightly scrubbing, fed us, hugged us, and made us feel as if we were the most special people in the world. She made us ice cream floats, read us bedtime stories, and made clothes for our Barbies AND for us!
I am so thankful that I was able to get to know my grandmother as an adult. Our relationship was VERY different as adults. In fact, I believe it was even better than it was when I was a child. She was a wise woman, and I can only aspire to be half the person she was.
Last Christmas, we had a little family get-together prior to our church Christmas program. Dad packed Grandma up in the car, and they headed to our place for the festivities! In this photo, she is enjoying a moment with my dad, my daughter, my niece and my nephew:) Isn't she beautiful?

Here's a close-up of the lovely little lady. She suffered from osteoporosis, and it was extremely difficult for her to hold her head up. However, when there was a camera nearby, she seemed to find a way to lift up her head and flash a smile!

I believe this picture was taken last year at Thanksgiving. We had eaten a HUGE meal, and felt the need to take a walk around the block. It was SO cold, and Grandma needed a bit of bundling to keep warm. She got the biggest kick out of this photo! I can still hear her laughing.

This picture was taken sometime in 2007. My dad assumed the role of primary caregiver for Grandma, and the loss has been especially difficult for him. Don't you think she looks a bit mischievous??

I miss Grandma every day of my life. Probably always will. She was one of a kind, and she touched SO many lives with her quick wit, and Christian values. She truly lived what she believed, and we were all impacted by her strong convictions. I believe that her prayers kept many of us out of serious trouble:)
I am blessed to have had this incredible woman in my life for so long. When I grow up, I want to be just like her.
Your blog is really interesting... Keep posting.... Wishing you " A Happy New Year''
I sooooo understand I had a special grandma too. I wrote about her in some old posts. Mine lived to be 99. Your grandma was darling it would have taken me all of 2 seconds to hug her neck and kiss her cheek.
They set an incredible example of how to be a woman all of your life.
BHE that is so wonderful...we should all have a Grandma like that.
You were truly blessed and I know she is smiling down from heaven on you. what a special treat you gave us...she is very special.
I hope my grand children think of me that way...when I have them, hopefully a LONG time from now.
What a beautful tribute to your Grandma. She sounds like she was a really special lady.
This is so beautiful I have tears in my eyes. You will never forget your grandmother, and you will think of her every day of your life. I lost mine back in 1985, and your words describe our relationship to a T, and not a day goes by that I don't think of her.
You are so lucky to have these pictures. I am thinking of you and your family at this difficult milestone, and give your Daddy a hug for me.
I understand completely. I am actually planning a trip in January to go home and check on Grandpa. Since Grandma's passing last month, he has been very lost and lonely.
It still amazes me how much Grandma had been responsible for. As Matriarch, her role was a seemingly impossible one, but she did it so well. She made everyone of us feel as if we were her favorite.
I know that it feels like a little hole has been left in you heart, but just keep remembering her everyday. The memories and lessons she gave you will fill that little hole, and you will soon become the person she knew you would be. There is something angelic about Grandmas, don't you think?
Everybody needs a Grandma like that. What a beautiful tribute! You are so blessed to have had so much time with her. She has left you with an amazing legacy. {{Hugs}}
Baby, you don't know how much you are alike. She was and always will be proud of you.
I miss her too.
Grandma...the sweetest word.
I understand BHE...
and thanks for sharing.
Love you.
What a wonderful tribute. Bless your heart. She is with you.
Aw, tears in my eyes! She lived a long and wondeful life! SO sweet. What a kiss that must have been. :)
My mom says there's nothing like being a Grandma!
Aw, BHE you're so lucky to have those memories and the beautiful pictures! If I wasn't tearing up already, CB's comment made me bawl! ((here's a virtual hug))
Hope 2009 is FABULOUS!
What a beautiful tribute to a truly beautiful lady!
It looks like she passed those wonderful genes on down, the apple didn't fall far from the tree.
You father is a good man, and he taught his daughter well.
tear soaked french fries aren't too bad! :)
She sounds like such a wonderful person and had a huge impact on your life. I hope you can be just like her TOO!!!
I also have such fond memories of growing up w/ my grandma....she is 95. Such a great post. thanks for sharing.
Oh wow! You are indeed, a very lucky woman. How wonderful that you had her and likewise, that she had you!
Awwww, I'm all teary eyed missing my Gam. She died when she was 96 too. I MISS her daily. Ok ... I've got to pull myself together!
Hope you CB & SW have a wonderful New Year!!
Our diet motto can be:
Lookin' Fine in 2009!! LOL
She is so beautiful! She reminds me so much of my Grammy! Little and filled with spunk! I think that Grandmothers are the most beautiful people on the planet. I am glad youhad such a wonderful one!
I am about to go kiss Gary happy New Years Eve but I wanted to come over and say Happy New Years eve to you! I am so excited you made those Crab Rangoon things : ). It made me super happy : ).
May God bless you this year. I am thankful you have wonderful memories of a wonderful grandmother. Happy New Year!
I have a feeling you're already more like her than you think.
You were BOTH blessed to have each other. And I'm guessing she's smiling down and watching over you every, single day.
Lovely remembrance! She is beautiful.
While reading your post, I immediately thought...THAT'S the type of mom I want to be. -Makin' memories with my children.
Thanks for sharing.
~Hugs from TN~
What a sweet tribute to your grandmother. I only had one grandma that I remember because one died when I was 9 months old. I loved my grandma and hearing stories about yours brought back a flood of memories about mine. She lived to be 95, and I miss her every day.
Very touching! I miss my grama too. Thank you for this....
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