It's not uncommon to see dragonflies skim across the top of our pool in the summer. However, it IS uncommon to see a dragonfly on steroids the size of a BIRD attempt to skim the top of our pool. Yep. Didn't go so well for him.
I heard the kerplunk, looked over and saw the wake ripples in the water, and just KNEW something was in trouble over there. Imagine my surprise when I found this guy floating around! It was pitiful to see him struggling so hard to fly out of the pool, so I grabbed the net and rescued him. After gently setting him down, I ran to get my camera and prayed that he wouldn't fly away before I could get a few photos!

He cooperated. I only wish I had put a ruler beside him so you could get a better idea of how FREAKISHLY LARGE he was! The big guy eventually flew away home.
I hope he comes back to visit once in a while:)