Well, we've hit mid-week, and packing is progressing slowly. We have, however, successfully purchased a laptop and a net book, and have crossed numerous other items off of our collective to-do lists. Now, if we could JUST find out about Snow White's room assignment! GAH!
SW has been extremely organized, and there are only a dozen items remaining on her "needs" list. One more trip to Target, and we should be done spending so much freakin' money shopping for school.

That's NOT a disaster!!! You should see my 3rd floor!!
We are hoping one more trip will do it too. We are lucky though, because we are only a short drive away.... You, however, not so much :( But I'll share CG if you are looking for some daughterly hugs haha... we'll just treck on over to Farmville (yes to BHE commenters, there is a real place called Farmville) and you can get your fill!
Are you guys going to fit in the car?!?
Amazing .. so when she gets her room assignment, will you give me her address so her Aunt Daryl can spoil her a little?
She looks very organized to me. I'm sure she's looking forward to her new adventure.
Hang in there.
Not too bad. You should see Little T's room!
That is highly orderly my friend;) So exciting for her. And you? I am there with you albeit in spirit...hugging you.
I awoke the other morning thinking about you and that led to some praying for you. What a time of emotional upheaval for you! I'll keep praying until SW gets settled in and your heart heals just a bit :/
I missed your departure, but am following updates on facebook! Happy trails my dear! Keep those tissues handy!
She is going to love it so much. I know you will survive without her.
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