It's hard to believe that it's been a whole year since the Blisters converged on Mathews County, VA! In a few short days, we will reunite for another magical weekend of laughter, hugs, wine, and adventure.
I am officially ready for the games to begin. CBDaughter was kind enough to decorate my boring, plain jane Blog Fest folder.

AND...the tumblers have arrived! I hope you like them:)

I'm going to pick up a few last minute items at lunchtime today, then it's all over but the packing! Oh, and work through Wednesday...:/
Are you ready??
I LOVE the tumblers! And CBW daughter is very talented!
Blister hugs, we're all but there!
Oh boy, it's that time again! I can't wait to read all about it and some of my favorite bloggers!
I posted twice in less than a day (I know. Shocking!)....please look at my "Summertime" post and check out the hummingbird:)
Perhaps I should have entitled this post "Blister Tiiiiiime..."
Can't wait to see everyone!!!!
What I don't love: that I won't be there.
Please post so that I can feel like I'm there with ya'll!
Wait, why is wine struck-through??
The tumblers look fantastic!
Love the timblers too!
See ya'll soon! It's gonna be the best!
Now come see my Blogfest song!
I am sick that I won't be able to go! I want a tumbler, though! Let me know how much they cost and I will send it straight out!
Oh nice, a yellow seagull companion to last year's blue crab!
Why did you cross out wine? I'm not coming if there isn't any....
I crossed out wine to see if anyone was really paying attention!!! Isn't that the REAL reason we are all getting together??!!
Less-than-3 the new tumblers!!! Well done, BHE.
Ready! Can't wait to meet everyone. Love the tumblers...wish I knew about them earlier!
Wait? There's wine?
LOVE those tumblers! Can't wait to get mine!
Come over to The Jason Show and help me fight cancer today. I'll show you my bare chest if you do.
Wish I could have been there...but next year? Count on it! I still use my BlogFest '09 tumbler as often as I can...which means right now as a matter of fact!
Audrey at Barking Mad!
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