Snow White's Senior Prom was held this past Saturday night. She wore the traditional white dress, and looked like a Disney Princess. Please enjoy the following scenes from her last high school dance...
Waiting for her date.
Grandma (Cool Breeze's Mom) was there to pin the boutonniere.

Simply stunning.
She is prettier than a Disney princess...and she is REAL.
It seems I end up staying up all night...but only on accident.
You guys rock!
She is beautiful! How fun!
Why doesn't insomnia strike on those nights we HAVE to stay up?
Your heart must almost stop when you look at that girl of yours and see her beauty and think of her broad talent. And then there's that bit where you seem to be good friends. Well done, BHE. Well done.
I don't think I heard where she's going next year. Texas? NYC?
Oh my gorgeous ... and how is it that while I think she looks like you, I see her with CB's mom and I can see a strong resemblance!
I cant remember when I was up all night ... I can remember nights when I didnt sleep well and felt as if I was up all night ...
She's Simply Beautiful! Now I know why you didnt make it to church Sunday!
Wow! What a beautiful young woman! You must be one proud mama!
Oh how beautiful she is!! Cool Breeze's mother is beautiful too. Looks like Snot White has good genes coming at her from all directions!
These are the times that make such good memories....that last forever and ever, Amen!!
PS, tell her that I'm signing on as her official charerone when she gets to Whacko, TX.
Absolutely lovely! These hallmarks of their high school life are remembered for years to come.
I can't remember when I stayed up ALL night. I am up at all hours sometimes thanks to insomnia.
And you are not sleeping the second weekend of July!
She is beautiful! It sounds like a good time was had by all.
Princess, indeed! sigh
Wow. She looks so fantastically beautiful! What a gorgeous dress. Just stunning. Hope you can sleep soon!
She could NOT be any lovelier. And I'm laughing hard at Grandma J's accidental renaming of Snow White. Go look. ; )
Foolery, I am laughing right here with you on the accidental typo.
She is absolutely gorgeous, that Snow White.
And I don't know when in July you've scheduled that sleep, but don't pencil anything in until after July 15-18.
So pretty! And you are the mom & pop heroes for throwing the after-party. I hope my son will allow that because I want to be that mom.
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