Cool Breeze and the Kitty Cat have mastered the art of relaxation. They can often be seen dancing to The Groove, or simply kicking back for an afternoon of football and Die Hard movies. It's good work, if you can get it!
I, on the other hand, seem to struggle with the whole relaxation concept. There are meals to prepare, clothes to wash, and heaven forbid there should be a dirty dish in my sink. The fun never ends. WooHoo!
Then there's the issue with the remote. It never seems to fall into MY hands! During hunting season, CB was gone all day EVERY Saturday. While he was giving out one-way tickets to the skinning shed, the DVR got a good workout while I sat on my increasingly large rear, and I was able to catch up on all of my shows.....while relaxing. I checked the DVR earlier this week. I'm three weeks behind on every show. The accumulation of recorded fodder is starting to stress me out. When will I EVER be able to catch up? How long will it be before the DVR is full? These vexing questions are starting to short-circuit the few remaining synapses in my overloaded brain. The good news is that I have yet to lose sleep over it. I expect that to happen within the next forty eight hours.
I need to get a life. Or maybe the t-shirt;)
Betcha find time for Jack Bauer ;)
So funny. We solved this problem with 2 dvr's. I think folding laundry or cooking dinner and catching up on a show or two is progress!!!
It's way too much for me to comprehend. I think Cool Breeze needs to go on a fishing trip. To The Keys. Then you can catch up on your shows. And relax;)
Or maybe CLIFFS notes for TV!!! I wish they made such a thing, I have been missing out on everything!!! AAAARgh, but like you, not a single dirty dish!
Love the photo by the way, that kitty is in control! Cool Breeze can't help it, he is being held against his will - you can definitely tell!
It sounds like your DVR is making you stress out!
But you really should listen to Frankie. Although, I don't think that's what they meant by that song, sitting down and watching TV. Hmm. I could be wrong.
I feel it's good to take some time and relax. I am one to talk, lol! I always feel guilty too thinking of all the housework I could be doing.
Andy however can do it with ease, lol!
Listen to Frankie...relax.
Me watch TV at my house?? *snort*
Sounds to me like you and the DVR need to schedule a hot date for the weekend!
Lucky for you that TimeWarner is not your cable provider .. their DVR boxes last a year maybe .. and if you have 5 or 6 things you havent watched be wary, they could simply disappear ... we lost the last 3 episodes of MadMen! Ggrrrrrrrrr
Those two look like they are serious about their TV time together.
Can't Cool Breeze get a part time job on the weekend? I mean just enough hours to free up the remote for some girl shows.
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