Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, four incredibly smart and beautiful friends set off for the Land of Three Monkeys. They left their families behind, in hopes of not having to listen to anyone whine for a few hours enjoying an evening filled with much-needed girl talk and laughter.
Their journey began early in the afternoon because these friends are no longer able to see well enough to drive after dark. They followed the Yellow Brick Road, and dropped breadcrumbs to help them find their way home. After meandering through Candyland, they finally reached their destination.
They parked in a dark alley, and walked up hill, both ways around the corner to the entrance of the Land of Three Monkeys. Once inside, they were seated in a beautiful polished wood booth, and were handed drink menus with 3,862 selections. Their insanely perky waitress, took their orders, and complimented them on their selections. The friends are renowned for their impeccable taste!
Left to Right: Mallo-Fluff, Mom x 2, Beach Chick & BHE
The four friends enjoyed a few drinks...

Left to Right: Hear No Evil, Malbec
...and amazing cuisine that would make you slap your mama!
Macadamia-Encrusted Mahi with Mango Salsa, Greek Pasta Salad, Yummy Mixed Veggies
Much to the friends' dismay, the evening eventually came to a close despite their kicking, screaming, and gnashing of teeth. They packed up their meager belongings, and ventured back to The Land That Time Forgot. The clock struck midnight, the limousine turned into a pumpkin, BHE lost her glass slipper, the goose laid a golden egg, and everyone lived happily ever after.
The End