Last year we lost one of our classmates to cancer. It was a horrible dose of reality, and it united us once again. Perhaps the bond is even stronger now that we are painfully aware that we are not "bulletproof", nor are we immortal. There was a time when you could not have convinced us otherwise.
Next week, the little town where we grew up will host a large festival. It's an annual event, and many of us try to return as often as possible to reconnect with our friends and to reminisce. It seems as if the Class of 1984 will be well represented this year. There is also talk of a Golf Tournament to benefit our lost classmate's children.
One of my friends sent this photo out this morning. It was taken at our 15th class reunion. It's dark and grainy, but it brought a huge smile to my face. I am on the far right in the middle. I either had a great tan, or I was wearing entirely too much foundation. I'd like to think it was a tan!

I don't know what is being planned for our 25th next year, but I do know that the night will go by much too quickly. We will all promise to keep in touch on a regular basis. Unfortunately, most of us will not see each other until the next reunion rolls around. Our intentions are good.
Obviously I am feeling a bit nostalgic today. These people have played an important role in my life, and I can't wait to see them!
What are your best memories of high school and the people who suffered through it with you??