Oh, the 70's! A time for bell bottoms, disco and Bonne Belle Lip Smackers! Does anyone remember those? I'm not talking about the ones available today - those are the size of a tube of Chapstick. These were the biggest mamma-jamma lip glosses you have ever seen! They were about the size of a toilet paper roll. And we loved them!!!! Personally, I preferred three flavors - 7-Up, Dr. Pepper & Orange Crush. See a pattern there?? Soft drink flavors! They certainly tasted better than TAB. GAH! It was also fun to mix the flavors; although, the tubes were too heavy to carry more than one in your purse at a time. Just kidding. Not really.
If you hadn't already noticed, I'm feeling a bit nostalgic today. Maybe it's time to get the old gang together and see if there are any skating rinks still in operation.
Hope I can find by pom-poms;)
Have a GREAT weekend!