Sunday, January 16, 2011


As soon as Noe Noe Girl posts photos to Facebook, I will try to update this post with a visual. Until then, you will just have to take my word for it....I have the best (and cutest) friends EVER!!

Last night, Noe Noe, Chesapeake Bay Woman, and a host of other characters stopped by for a bit of socializing before we headed out to hear a local band. The words live, laugh, love spring to mind when I try to think of ways to describe this group. We are all living our lives one day at a time, and trying not to take ourselves too seriously. We all crave the craziness that ensues when old friends gather, and wine is consumed;) And, I love them all as if they were my family. In many ways, they ARE family! (Names have been changed to protect the guilty.)

Today I am most thankful for good friends, good music, good food and good times. Life. Is. Good:)