I have grown tired of the negativity and lack of couth that seem to be more the norm than the exception these days. I'm going to list ten compliments, and I want you to USE THEM. Compliment your neighbor, your hairdresser, the bum on the corner, or yourself. I don't care HOW you use them, just USE them!! Consider this MY small effort to restore decorum and civility to this crazy world. Or, just consider me crazy!!
1. I knew I could count on you!
2. Have you lost weight?
3. I LOVE your shoes!
4. I'm glad you're my friend:)
5. You are one of the smartest/ most talented women I know!
6. You deserve it!
7. Life certainly is agreeing with you!
8. That sweater is the perfect color for you!
9. You have excellent taste!
10. You always know just the right thing to say:)
Now, GET OUT THERE and let's spread a little sunshine!!
By the way, YOU look fabulous today:)