Do you have a forever friend?
Friday, August 28, 2009
Forever Friends
Jen and I were BFF's in High School. I married young, and she moved to California. She and I, along with another good friend, organized our 25th Class Reunion this year. The time we spent together planning the big event made us realize how much we had missed each other. We are both now kicking ourselves for letting those years slip away, but are thrilled at the possibilities that await!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Yo, Mama!!
What do Bloggers do when one of their own is sad because her children are flying the coop? They come to the rescue, that's what they do.
Anddrink RESCUE we did!
Mental P Mama was scheduled to drop off Baby Bird last Saturday, so a few of us put ourone combined brain heads together and decided to surprise her. We agreed to meet at an Italian joint, which would ensure plenty of wine would be available to drown her sorrows. She thought it was going to be BHE, Party of Two. Bwahahaha! NOPE! Blisters, Party of Six;)
Mom x 2 buttered up the waiter so we could getlots of leftovers great service...

A very surprised Guest of Honor arrived to find the party was well under way...

Party of Six....Bottom to Top: Bay Man, Chesapeake Bay Woman, Mental P Mama, Mom x 2, BHE & Cool Breeze...
Mental P Mama was scheduled to drop off Baby Bird last Saturday, so a few of us put our
Mom x 2 buttered up the waiter so we could get

A very surprised Guest of Honor arrived to find the party was well under way...

Party of Six....Bottom to Top: Bay Man, Chesapeake Bay Woman, Mental P Mama, Mom x 2, BHE & Cool Breeze...
The Virginia Guys & Gals are missin' you, Mama! How's Oyster Festival looking?
You're ALL invited! Check it out here: Urbanna Oyster Festival.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Welcome Home Snow White!

My baby has been in Texas since last Friday. Today she flies back to the nest. It's been a long week without her. I'm SO not ready for the college years...
**Hugs for Mental P Mama**
Friday, August 14, 2009
Be Thankful
There are SO many things in life that I take for granted. I go about my busy days, hardly noticing my surroundings or the people that surround me. I'm constantly worrying about the next task at hand, the meeting tomorrow night, or Snow White's work schedule. Sadly, it takes something drastic to "shake me up" and force me to focus on what is truly important.
We have been preparing all week for Snow White's departure. Cool Breeze took her to the airport very early this morning, and put her on a plane bound for Texas. Alone. Over the next few days, I will be worried sick about her safety, her eating habits, and whether or not she wore her retainer. I know she will fly back home next week armed with hundreds of photographs, and hundreds of stories to accompany them. In the mean time, I am trying to be thankful that I have a healthy, confident teenager, who is not afraid of an adventure!
While I am at home worrying about what "might" happen while my daughter is away, I have two friends who are now dealing with what "IS" happening. Thanks to Facebook, I know that there are two families out there who are dealing with the possible loss of a beloved family pet. Please understand that I am NOT comparing the lives of our pets to the lives of our children. I am just pointing out that this is one of those things that pulls at my heart strings. I have lost pets before, and it's something I never fully get over. Yes, I move on, but those critters continue to hold a special place in the family memory book.
Last night I was complaining about the black dog hair that carpets my tile floors. I am SO tired of running the vacuum, only to see the floor covered once again within the hour. No amount of brushing seems to prevent this. After I had whined on about it, I went out to check FB. Two friends, two emergency vet visits, two dogs who may not make it through the night. One little gal had five obstructions in her intestines, had lived through surgery, and was suffering from an abnormally low body temperature. The big strong guy had a heat stroke, was bleeding internally, and was on doggie life support. I sat at the computer and cried. Then, I went in and petted my big old mutt and told him I loved and all.
Attitude adjusted. I am thankful.
UPDATE: This was just posted on my friend Jeremy's FB page:
"Look Mommy, it's Hunter...." "No, sweetheart, that dog's name is not Hunter." "Yes, Mommy. I know that dog, and it IS Hunter."
-Unknown child at Belle Isle touched by the spirit of an unparalleled animal. He was my best friend.
We have been preparing all week for Snow White's departure. Cool Breeze took her to the airport very early this morning, and put her on a plane bound for Texas. Alone. Over the next few days, I will be worried sick about her safety, her eating habits, and whether or not she wore her retainer. I know she will fly back home next week armed with hundreds of photographs, and hundreds of stories to accompany them. In the mean time, I am trying to be thankful that I have a healthy, confident teenager, who is not afraid of an adventure!
While I am at home worrying about what "might" happen while my daughter is away, I have two friends who are now dealing with what "IS" happening. Thanks to Facebook, I know that there are two families out there who are dealing with the possible loss of a beloved family pet. Please understand that I am NOT comparing the lives of our pets to the lives of our children. I am just pointing out that this is one of those things that pulls at my heart strings. I have lost pets before, and it's something I never fully get over. Yes, I move on, but those critters continue to hold a special place in the family memory book.
Last night I was complaining about the black dog hair that carpets my tile floors. I am SO tired of running the vacuum, only to see the floor covered once again within the hour. No amount of brushing seems to prevent this. After I had whined on about it, I went out to check FB. Two friends, two emergency vet visits, two dogs who may not make it through the night. One little gal had five obstructions in her intestines, had lived through surgery, and was suffering from an abnormally low body temperature. The big strong guy had a heat stroke, was bleeding internally, and was on doggie life support. I sat at the computer and cried. Then, I went in and petted my big old mutt and told him I loved and all.
Attitude adjusted. I am thankful.
UPDATE: This was just posted on my friend Jeremy's FB page:
"Look Mommy, it's Hunter...." "No, sweetheart, that dog's name is not Hunter." "Yes, Mommy. I know that dog, and it IS Hunter."
-Unknown child at Belle Isle touched by the spirit of an unparalleled animal. He was my best friend.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Another Bumper Sticker
I spotted this bumper sticker on the way home from work tonight:
"Tree Hugging Dirt Lover"
I kinda like it...;)
"Tree Hugging Dirt Lover"
I kinda like it...;)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The Cookbook
Last week I posted a meme of "3 Things..." One of the things I said I wanted to do before I die is write a cookbook. With much encouragement from Bloggyland, I've decided to just START the darn thing! I will never know if it's possible if I don't try. Right? Even if it never materializes, I will enjoy the journey:)
What I'd like to do is write a cookbook comprised of recipes that YOU contribute. I'm thinking about having an intro/photo of each contributor, along with a shameless blog-plug, if you wish. My goal would be to meet each one of you IRL so I could include how/when we met, and a photo of us making your fabulous signature dish!
Here's where I need YOUR help. What should the cookbook be called? What sort of format do you look for when selecting a cookbook? What type of cover art attracts you? Are you still reading, or did I lose you at "Last week..."?
That's about as far as I've gotten. Perhaps we can put this thing together when we are all gathered for the filming of the Blog Fest movie. Just a thought!
What do you think?
What I'd like to do is write a cookbook comprised of recipes that YOU contribute. I'm thinking about having an intro/photo of each contributor, along with a shameless blog-plug, if you wish. My goal would be to meet each one of you IRL so I could include how/when we met, and a photo of us making your fabulous signature dish!
Here's where I need YOUR help. What should the cookbook be called? What sort of format do you look for when selecting a cookbook? What type of cover art attracts you? Are you still reading, or did I lose you at "Last week..."?
That's about as far as I've gotten. Perhaps we can put this thing together when we are all gathered for the filming of the Blog Fest movie. Just a thought!
What do you think?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
3 Things

The well is dry today, so I borrowed this from my friend over at The Vinyl Village. I took liberty with the format, but the content is the same.
1. What 3 words best describe you?
2. What 3 words best describe your life?
3. What are your top 3 guilty pleasures?
"Real Housewives" Shows
Eye Candy
Cute Tote Bags
4. What 3 places would you like to visit before you die?
5. What 3 things would you like to do before you die?
Retire & Travel
Bake Cookies with my Grandchildren
Write a Cookbook
6. If your life were ending, what 3 to 5 "flashes" would sum it up?
Childhood Summers at my Grandparents' Farm
Family Christmas Gatherings
My Wedding Day
The Day Snow White was Born
The Pets I've Owned
The Home in Which I Now Live
Monday, August 3, 2009
Fall? Really?
As much as I hate to admit it, signs are beginning to point to Fall. Poplar leaves have begun to scatter about the yard, Halloween and GASP Christmas items are being placed on store shelves, and the calendar says that "August" has arrived. I'm still in denial.
Last Friday, Snow White's boyfriend headed off to begin his college career in the great state of Texas! He will definitely be missed.....and not just by Snow White! The Boy With The Perfect Teeth has a bright future ahead of him, and the determination to succeed. We are looking forward to his visit over the Thanksgiving holiday! There WILL be lime squares:)

My beautiful mom had a birthday on Saturday. We celebrated with a Girls' Brunch Out at Strawberry Street Cafe in Richmond. Mom x 2, Cheerleader Girl & Mom x 2's Mom rounded out our party of six. Three generations of two different families.....that's good stuff!!

It's not often that Mom, Snow White and I are all together. When we are, we certainly try to make the most of it!!
Last Friday, Snow White's boyfriend headed off to begin his college career in the great state of Texas! He will definitely be missed.....and not just by Snow White! The Boy With The Perfect Teeth has a bright future ahead of him, and the determination to succeed. We are looking forward to his visit over the Thanksgiving holiday! There WILL be lime squares:)

My beautiful mom had a birthday on Saturday. We celebrated with a Girls' Brunch Out at Strawberry Street Cafe in Richmond. Mom x 2, Cheerleader Girl & Mom x 2's Mom rounded out our party of six. Three generations of two different families.....that's good stuff!!

It's not often that Mom, Snow White and I are all together. When we are, we certainly try to make the most of it!!
This doe and her two fawns showed up in the yard over the weekend. I believe that you can see the spots on the fawns if you enlarge the photo. Where was Asthma Girl's camera when I needed it??!! My little point and shoot doesn't take very good pictures at 321,452,881 yards.
(Insert clever comment. I got nothin'!!)
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