My Snow White was still a little girl when this photo was taken. Tonight, I looked through the lens of my camera and saw a beautiful young woman.
In other (less weepy) news, some interesting things occurred this week:
-FYI: I will conduct a random drawing for the Pay It Forward contest the first part of next week. The two winners will be notified on their sites. Can't wait to see who it is!!!
-I saw the first lightning bug of the season.
-I flossed a crown right off of my back molar Wednesday night. My dentist was on vacation all week. It's not easy to chew on a nub. Am I being punished for flossing?
-Yesterday, I went to Mathews to meet with Chesapeake Bay Woman. We were
-There was a huge turtle in my driveway Thursday. I got out and tried to take his picture. Unfortunately, he hid in the honeysuckle and I couldn't get a clear shot. Perhaps he's a bit camera shy.
-Cool Breeze spent six hours putting pool furniture together today. I didn't hear him curse once. Can you say "brownie points"??
-Work has been VERY busy
-I've been to 20
So. What have YOU been up to this week? I've missed you!